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How to Make an Origami Halloween Dragon

This origami dragon, made with two pieces of paper, is a design of Emilson Nunes Dos Santos* (Brazil). Emilson is a master of whimsical origami figures using multiple sheets of paper. Another example of Emilson work is Our Lady of Aparecida shown previously here at OrigamiSpirit.com.

The following step-by-step video shows how to make Emilson Nunes Dos Santos’s paper dragon. Thank you to Emilson for granting permission to present your model.

Diagrams for this dragon can be found at the lovely blog of Vera Young.

Tips and suggestions for making the paper dragon

  • All kind of papers can be used to make this origami dragon. Paper such as “Tant” or regular office paper would make good choices.
  • In the video, the dragon is demonstrated using a paper similar in weight as office paper.
  • The finished paper dragon shows only one side of the paper. It is not necessary to use paper with a different color on each side.
  • The origami dragon is made with two squares of paper, one for the body, and one for the head.
  • The paper for the head should be one quarter the size of the square for the body.


  • A good size to learn the model would be 6×6-inch (15×15cm) for the body, 3×3-inch (7.5×7.5 cm) for the head.
  • To make origami dragons for pins, use paper that measures 3×3 inch (7.5×7.5 cm) for the body, 1.5 x 1.5 inches (3.75×3.75cm) for the head.
  • The head and body hold together by a hook of the body inserted to a pocket at the back of the head. If making pins, fix the head with a drop of glue.

If you have experience with origami

  • Begin the body of the dragon by making a fish base and skip the video to minute 2:42.
  • Begin the head by making a waterbomb base and skip the video to minute 7:18.


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*Emilson Nunes do Santos just published a wonderful origami book,
teaching how to fold the most popular saints revered in Brazil:
Saints, Folding with Devotion
Buy it in Amazon.


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