Origami Models Designed by Leyla Torres

PAGE 1: Leyla’s Origami Designs • PAGE 2: Leyla’s Froebel Variations

Set: 464 Variations of the Windmill Base (Froebel Variations)

Here on this page are 464 variations of the windmill base I folded that were inspired by the work of Friedrich Fröbel.

Click here for instructions on how to make these origami windmill variations.

Friedrich Fröbel (1782-1852), educator, crystallographer, and originator of the kindergarten concept, was one of the first to point to the creation of folded patterns like these featured here. Using white paper only, Fröbel created his own unique collection of folded forms of beauty, as he called them.

NOTE: Click on individual images to view in Lightbox mode.

VISIT PAGE 1: Leyla’s Origami Designs

82 thoughts on “Origami Models Designed by Leyla Torres”

  1. These are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am in awe, I wish I was as good as you Leyla! I have been doing origami for a little over two years, but I have always admired all of your BEAUTIFUL creations!

  2. I made several of your models over the last years and I’m impressed by how well they work out each and every time.
    Right now I’m both in love and obsessed with your little chicken containers. I’m going to make one carrying a little chocolate egg for all my students this easter. They’re so cute and funny. Brilliant design! :)

    • I’m happy you enjoy what you find on Origami Spirit. The little hen container is dear to my heart.
      Origami has a way of creating happiness as we share it with other people.
      Thank you for your warm note. Leyla

  3. in your gallery page two photos numbers 6 & 7 interest me. where can i find the diagram or video of these models.

    greatly appreciate,


  4. hola leyla déjame decir que tus figuras son tan geniales pero quisiera saber como hacer ese trébol por que te juro que lo vi y me enamore de el quisiera saber si pudieras hacerlo paa uno de tus proxios videos gracias tengo 14 y soy de oaxaca

  5. hi leyla, iam a big fan of yours!!!

    i want to know how to make a simple 3 dimensional origami tree. so please help me

  6. Excelente material. Soy aficionada a la papiroflexia. Gracias por los videos y por la manera pedagógica como enseñas de mucha paciencia y visión para que el que está recibiendo la asesoría lo haga con facilidad. Felicidades. Bellísimos modelos. Hice la flor realzada con fondo de picos.

  7. Leyla,

    I love your work! Thank you for being there for those of us who adore folding! Do you have instructions for folding a paper skull for Dias de Las Muertos?

    Abrazos, Tess

  8. Hello. I very like your job. Where did you find a tutoriel for the small beautiful shoes ?
    Thanks for your help.

  9. HOla Leila!
    Me encantaan los sombreros de Joan , pero no consigo ni el libro ni algun sitio donde me pase los diagramas, tu sabes como puedo conseguirlos?
    Estoy en Argentina.
    Un beso grande!

  10. gostaria de aprender diagramas das torres froebel e variações ou comprar os diagramas ou que voce me indicasse um livro que tenha os tutoriais.Desde já agradeço.Seus origamis são maravilhosos.Que Deus sempre a ilumine.Abraços Helena.

  11. se possivel enviar diagrama da flor da mosca.Desde ja agradeco. Seus trabalhos de origami sao maravilhosos,parabens,bjos Angelica.

  12. Hi Leyla,

    I very much enjoy you work and I have been learning a lot from you. I have bought many
    books but very often it is difficult to anderstand the instructions. With the help of you videos I have leaned a lot. Origami is very relaxing and I am very grateful that you allow persons like me to learn so much about origami. Thanks a lot. I live in Germany and Origami is not much known in here. At least it is very difficult to find circles where you could meet other people to learn from them.


  13. ¡Excelentes trabajos Leyla! Hace muy poquito comencé a incursionar en este magnifico y fascinante mundo del plegado de papel y tu labor es muy inspiradora. Desde Argentina, un cálido abrazo. Ana.

  14. Hola Leyla
    Soy Carmen Nagahama de argentina, como me gusta tu página y todos los plegados que realizas son muy bonitos, he quedado enamorada del gatito negro, no se si es una cajita como el conejo o no, como puedo hacer para que me enseñes a doblarlo y así hacer souvenir para mi nietita Emma para su cumple de 3 añitos.
    Nos presentó Noelia y aprovecho para saludarte en estas fiestas y desearte muchas felicidades para el 2013.
    Un cariño

  15. Hi Leyla
    I am in awe of all wonderful,exquisite models which have been displayed on this page. The modular flowers and traditional lotus have a charm of their own.Do you have any instructions on how to make them? If yes, please do email them to me. Thank you very much making me aware of the joys of paper folding through this website!!

  16. Hi Leyla,
    Just writing to say I love all of your models; I follow your blog to see what’s new and happening on the origami scene! I saw your cute cat box, and would love to make some for my friends for Halloween if I could. Do you have any kind of diagram for it? If so, could you please email it to me? Thank you for all you do!

    • Hi Alexandra,
      Thank you for sharing your opinion. The goal of this site is not to compete about having the best or the most complex origami.
      My aim is to share the joy that can be possible by focusing in the process of folding, which is a big aspect of practicing origami and to share an appreciation of how simple things in life can be so rewarding.

  17. Leyla, I am so glad that I found your site…I too love folding, different papers, etc. I’m not too far from you and I hope to get to one of your monthly classes at Northshire Bookstore. You can find some of my paper engineering stuff on my facebook account.

  18. I really like the dress and hanger!
    It’s SO cute! Where did you learn to do all this?

    (^ ^)
    U-U Have A Happy Easter!

  19. Hola Leyla!

    Por favor cuando publiques el Cat box no te olvides de decirnos dónde.
    ¡Es una locura de bonito!

    Saludos desde Argentina!

  20. Leyla, i love your designs so much especially the fox and bear heads, is there any chance at all that you could make the instructions for them. i would so much like to make one for my sister. please please

    • Hi Elle, thank you for your comment and request. It’s been a while since I made these animal heads, so they are half forgotten. Let me dig them up, but cannot promise instructions too soon.

  21. Felicidades Leyla en esta Navidad y próximo año 2012. Que sigas encantada doblando hermosos modelos y compartiendolos con otros colegas amantes del Origami.
    Un abrazo afectuoso desde Chile para ti.
    Aída Urrutia Uribe.

  22. Leyla,
    I was delighted with the shoes I saw these photos. You have to post the diagrams or show me the book that I can buy?
    I am very interested in clothes and shoes, because I had an order to make a window of a clothing store and accessories here in Belo Horizonte., Brazil
    Can you help me?

    • Hi Pipida,
      The shoes are my versions of a model I was taught by a friend of mine.
      I do not have diagrams or videos available for distribution via Internet.

      Please read the comments in this entry in my blog:
      Karla, from Switzerland, says the following:
      “Nyodo Inoue is the designer of this model. It was published in MONTHLY ORIGAMI MAGAZINE, May 2010 (no. 417) p. 28-29, diagrammed by Terumi Tatsumi”

      I don’t have that magazine, so I haven’t been able to confirm this information personally. But that is a good hint about where to find diagrams.

      I hope this helps some how.


  23. Leyla,
    Fiquei encantada com os sapatos que vi nestas fotos. Você tem como postar os diagramas ou me indicar o livro que posso comprar?
    Tenho muito interesse em roupas e sapatos, porque tive uma encomenda para fazer uma vitrine de uma loja de roupas e acessorios aqui em Belo Horizonte.
    Voce pode me ajudar?
    Um abraço,

  24. Hi! I adore your work. I tried out some of your diagrams and they’re so adorable! I had so much fun making them. Do you have the diagram for your “krusdal-swan”? thank you!

  25. Gostaria tanto de ter os diagramas de gatos , destas fotos. Tenho 10 gatos em casa e adoro todo tipo de origami deles. Aqueles primeiros, só a cabeça e depois os dois ( preto e amarelo) são lindos demais. Vc me passaria os diagramas ou me indicaria os livros que ensinam? Seu site é belissimo !!!! Parabens.

  26. Love the yellow and pink bird, a lovely way to display beautiful paper and simple, I’m going to try these with white parchment paper, wax paper or paper that the wedding invitations were made of and used on a place setting, so many ideas, Thanks…

  27. Complimenti! Ho visitato il tuo sito,
    Sei bravissima!
    Le galline con le uova sono deliziose.
    mi piacciono molto anche le scarpine origami che hai realizzato;
    sono disponibili i diagrammi? Dove si possono trovare?
    Grazie, Enrica

    • Ciao Enrica,

      Grazie per la vostra nota. Non ho schemi disponibili per tutte le scarpe. Credo che siano giapponesi. Mi hanno imparato a memoria in una convenzione origami.
      I migliori auguri, Leyla
      (google ha fatto la traduzione qui! Si prega di perdonare eventuali errori)

  28. Me encantan tus trabajos,me gusta como los mostras.Me dan ganas de hacer todo .Los gatitos de Hiroaki Takai son divinos y ya los hice , no podrías enseñarnos como se hacen.los zapatitos.Un saludo y muchas gracias por poner todo a nuestra disposición.Que tengas un FELIZ AÑO NUEVO.

      • good afternoon leyla, i want to know cat box how to do?. i’m spanish i talk now in my language

        buenas tardes Leyla torres, me encanto la caja del gato, pero no encontre el video de como se hace. podria ser el proximo video tutorial que subas, es precioso y me interesaria muchisimo. y una ultima cosa, donde encuentras los papeles que usas? en españa no hay nada. un abrazo y gracias por tu atencion ^^

        • Hola Esperanza,

          Me alegra que te guste el gatico caja. Creo que en algún momento haré el video, pero no será muy pronto pues tengo ya otros en camino y hacer cada uno cuesta muchas horas de trabajo. Pero tendré con seguridad en cuenta tu pedido para el futuro.

          Por lo pronto te invito a que le eches una mirada a la página de video donde tengo un listado en español de todos los videos disponibles en Origami Spirit https://www.origamispirit.com/es/videos-2/

          En cuanto a papeles, algunos los encuentro por internet (Amazon ofrece papeles bonitos) y otros los compro cuando voy a convenciones y encuentros de origami y muchos no son papeles para origami sino son simplemente envolturas de papel regalo que compro en cualquier sitio a donde yo vaya y vea un papel bonito.

          Ponte en contacto con la gente de la Asociación Española de Papiroflexia, pues en su tienda puedes conseguir papeles bonitos.

          Muchas gracias por escribir.


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