Videos for Making Functional, Everyday Origami

On this page you will find links to video instructions for functional origami at home and work including:

  • how to fold plastic bags
  • how to seal a paper bag for cooking popcorn in the microwave,
  • folding and iPhone stand and a brush case.

Hover over then click on thumbnail images to access video tutorials.

8 thoughts on “Videos for Making Functional, Everyday Origami”

  1. Hi. I was wondering if u have a video on how to make an umbrella. I have looked even on YouTube but I can only find the type of origami umbrella in Chinese or Japanese the instructions and not a video. I am looking for a rounded type of umbrella and not pointy

  2. Hola Leyla , me preguntaba si podrias poner un video para hacer “Abanicos de Papel” , pero yo no estoy buscando los que tienen sostenidos palitos de helado , como ya veras en muchos , u otros videos de Youtube o Internet ect. Un abanico tradicional , y algo mas , que tuviera un “Mecanismo” para que suela abrirse e cerrarse. Como sos una profesional , crei que tendrias ideas para el mecanismo . Muchas Gracias . Meli

    Posdata : ¡Nesesito un abanico!


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