How to Make an Origami Spoon

If you weren’t born with a silver spoon in your mouth, now you can make this origami spoon -an ingenious example of functional origami, and join that exclusive club of those who were.

Many thanks to origami artist and teacher Nguyễn Tú Tuấn (Vietnam) for giving permission to present his origami spoon design in this five-minute step-by-step video.

Tips and suggestions for making the origami spoon

  • Metallic paper that’s silver on one side is perfect for making the spoon.
  • The finished paper spoon shows only one side of the paper.
  • The origami spoon is made with a rectangular piece of paper in the proportion of 2:1
  • Cut in a half a 6×6-inch square of paper (15 x 15 cm) to obtain two of the desired rectangles.

Diagrams for the origami spoon and many other fun and functional origami models may be found in the lovely and affordable book Practigami, published by Gerardo Gacharná of Neorigami.


Practigami came about as the result of an inter-forum challenge to create origami models with practical uses. Some of the models included in this book are: a purse, garden label, phone stand, photo frame, garbage can, condiment shaker, the spoon presented in this post, and many more clever origami models.
The book is divided into the following sections depending on the context in which the origami models can be used:

  • For going out
  • For the Yard
  • For playing around
  • For the house
  • For organizing and cleaning
  • For dining
  • For other reasons

For more information and to purchase the book visit NEORIGAMI

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8 thoughts on “How to Make an Origami Spoon”

  1. I just tried to eat mashed potatoes with gravy with this. It worked for 3 scoops lol. Now it just looks so sad haha
    -Desperate In Class

  2. Leyla,
    Thank you for another clearly explained origami video. I always look forward to viewing your demonstrations and folding the models presented. :)
    Maureen Miller-Calamo


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