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How to Make an Origami Halloween Box Cat

In the previous post I shared a delightful origami Cat-box created by Gay Merrill Gross. Using Gay’s cat as a springboard, I felt inspired to design my own version of this cat-box model. Filled with candy corn it will be a charming Halloween cat. It can also be used to make favors for a kid’s birthday party.

The body of my version is basically the same except for the last fold of the box which has been omitted. The head, like Gay’s model, is also made from a square –but bigger, and  the folding process and resulting head are completely different.  My inspiration for this cat head comes from an  origami cat designed by Hiroaki Takai.

The following step-by-step video shows how to make my origami cat.

Tips and suggestions for making the origami cat

  • Use thin paper such as ‘Kami’.
  • Two squares of paper are needed, one for the body and one for the head.
  • The side of the square used for the head should be three quarters of the side of the square used for the body.
  • A 6 x 6-inch (15 × 15cm) piece of paper or bigger is perfect for the body.
  • A 4.5 x 4.5-inch (11.25 x.11.25cm) piece of paper is the corresponding size for the head.
  • The finished body shows only one side of the paper. It isn’t necessary to use paper with a different color on each side.
  • The finished head does show both sides of the paper. You can use either paper with the same color on both sides or paper with different color on each side.

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Origami Cat-Box –Version 2 (Designed by Leyla Torres)origami-cat-LEYLA-1000

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Origami Cat-Box –Version 1 (Designed by Gay Merrill Gross)
Click here for post and video


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