Over the last several years at the OrigamiUSA convention in New York City, I’ve been very fortunate to both share ideas and take classes with Tricia Tait. Tricia is a very knowledgeable folder, and a well prepared teacher. She is also always up-to-date when it comes to being informed about the latest discoveries of simple and elegant origami models. When Tricia teaches she adds a joyfully creative and personal touch to every model.
It was no surprise then when I learned that Tricia –along with Marcio Noguchi, had been invited as a special guest from the US to the fourth origami convention in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This event was organized by DoBras, a Brazilian group based in Rio, dedicated to the study and promotion of the art of Origami.

About 85 people attended this year’s DoBras convention on September 4th and 5th, which was held at the Austregésilo de Athayde Cultural Center. When Tricia arrived in Rio she was well prepared with an arsenal of models to teach including a tweeting bird, a hen basket, a penguin, nesting bird bowls, a two piece dress, and a humming bird. Sandra Gullino, president of Dobras and librarian at a brand new public library in Rio de Janeiro, also arranged for Tricia to teach a sailboat to a group of about 30 children.
Besides having a great time teaching, Tricia loved the “really tasty-savory meats, black bean, rice, cauliflower greens and lovely lime drinks”, the enchantment of the balmy Brazilian winter temperatures, and time to walk the beaches at Copacabana and Ipanema. But most of all Tricia enjoyed the warm and welcoming spirit of her Brazilian hosts.

“One of the characteristics of the origami workshops offered by Tricia is that she always comes up with unusual ideas and brings models made of different materials. Simple models become charming thanks to Tricia’s special gaze. People leave very happy from her workshops with girl dresses hanging around their necks, chickens whose tails are made out of inserted candies, or penguins with chocolate-filled bellies.” ~ Jaciara Grzybowski, convention participant and paper folder form Rio de Janeiro.
Photographs courtesy of Tricia Tait. Models folded by Tricia Tait.
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