A Perfect Origami Fashion Accessory

I’m pleased to introduce you to Ironhead, our cat of the day. The colorful ruff she is wearing is made of folded paper. Doesn’t she look like a sixteenth-century Dutch queen?

If you fancy making one for your own cat -or yourself, this origami action-model is called Fireworks and was designed by Yami Yamauchi. Below I post video instructions made by Mari Michaelis.

Ironhead’s photo is used here with permission from Randy and Natasha Tibbott (Tennessee). How the Tibbott’s persuaded Ironhead to wear an origami scarflette is beyond me, but they certainly know how to have fun.

Check out the unique  Halloween costumes  the Tibbotts have designed over the years for their daughter, Waverly. What a creative and entertaining family!

Fireworks Video by Mari Michaelis


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9 thoughts on “A Perfect Origami Fashion Accessory”

    • Thank you Nick! The only credit I can take for this photo is that I saw it in Facebook and asked permission to use it because it is the kind of image I would like to make myself. I only enhanced the right eye of the cat a little with photoshop to give more punch to that green stare.

  1. Dear Leyla, As much as I love your work and know of your passion for Nature, I believe this time it looks more of someone´s just making fun of a poor cat … The ring is not part of his domain, he has no clue… and maybe he feels somewhat uncomfortable. I know it´s just for the picture and now he´s been freed from this little torture, but let´s keep both kingdoms apart –Origami and cats. I hope it doesn´t sound too picky.
    Love you,

    • Dear Laura,
      The cat was not harmed in the production of this photograph. I understand that Ironhead successfully removed her ruff in less than a minute and went back to her usual cat-self. Cats are known to get themselves in very funny situations by themselves. I see no harm in having a little human-added fun. ;-)

  2. I feel somewhat responsible for the cat. I folded fireworks and left it at a local art store where Randy found it and found our club’s web site and contacted me about how to make it. I did not expect to see it turn up here, though. Origami is a small world.


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