Origami tool found in a craft-and-antique town fair

I happen to live in a town that was the place of residence of American painter and illustrator Norman Rockwell from 1939 to 1953.

On the second weekend of August, the town of Arlington, Vermont, holds a Craft Fair and Town-Wide Tag Sale. The fair is called Norman’s Attic in honor of their famous former resident.

As I was strolling about Arlington’s Main Street, also known as Historic Route 7A, on Norman’s attic day, I entered a stand of antique objects.  I browsed about with curiosity wondering what kinds of human lives those old objects might have witnessed.

Suddenly my eyes fell on a tiny iron instrument that I did not recognize at all. To my good luck, the vendor had written on the tag what it was: HOLE PUNCH.

miniature antique hole punch

I examined it and noticed that it would make tiny holes, less than two millimeters in diameter. I tried it and punched a hole in its own tag and it worked perfectly.

My mind made the connection: It’s a great tool to punch holes into small origami ornaments and hang them!

Surely there must be modern versions, but this one has the poetry of old things and came to me just from behind my backyard. Next time you visit a street fair keep your eyes open for origami tools. You never know what you might find.

More useful tools to practice origami? Read this article: Eighteen tools for an origami traveler.

What treasure tools have you found in a fair or flea market?


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3 thoughts on “Origami tool found in a craft-and-antique town fair”

  1. I have been looking at these ornaments for years and was wondering if you could tell me if there are diagrams for them. They are so lovely. Thanks for your wonderful website and videos, Kathy

    • Hi Kathy, I was doodling with paper years ago when I folded these origami ornaments. I did not make notes or diagrams, but I’ll see how I can bring them back to my mind and make instructions. Thank you for pointing them out.

  2. En un mercado de pulgas compré algunos palustres cuando hice arqueología. Realmente algunas veces contamos con angelitos que saben lo que necesitamos y lo dejan en esas ferias. Esos espacios son magníficos por que son como cajas de sorpresas.
    Me alegra que cuentes con herramientas para objetos tan bonitos y particulares como los que se muestran en tu página.


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