A Valentine’s Origami Picture Frame

The heart-shaped picture frame shown in the left panel was designed by Mike Van Horne. It’s a nice and easy origami model folded from the windmill base.

For the variation shown on the right, I added a few more folds that made for a firmer lock, removed the small white “slits” and  produced the solid red color on the sides.

Here is a video to fold the windmill base,
Have a happy Valentine’s Day!


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12 thoughts on “A Valentine’s Origami Picture Frame”

  1. I DID it! Tonight was my first time with origami and I already have a couple different frames posted. Took a little bit because I inverted the colors originally (Must have a red heart) but it was well worth the effort! In the windmill tutorial, please be more specific for what color goes in the folds and in the background. Otherwise, this is amazing! THANK YOU for this awesome idea! Perfect hand-made V-Day gift just in time :)

  2. I really like this, I am looking to make invitations and I’d love to use this, can anyone post a tutorial please?

    • On this post here, there is a link to a video to make the base -windmill base. Make it, compare it with the photo of the heart… I invite you to use your creativity and figure out how to make the few extra folds to make the heart.
      Cheers, Leyla Torres

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