An Origami Heart -Perfect for Father’s Day

What better origami model to celebrate Father’s Day than one created by a father, Michael van Horne!  This origami heart frame, featured also in a previous post, is easy to make, perfect on other occasions as well and a wonderful addition to a growing collection of  video tutorials for origami hearts!

The following step-by-step video shows how to make Michael’s Heart Frame, and it also includes a variation of my own. Thank you to Michael for granting permission to present your model in this step-by-step video.

“Blessed is the man who hears a little gentle voice call him Dad” -Lydia M. Child”

Father’s day is celebrated in many countries on the third Sunday in June. It was in the early 20th century Unites States that Father’s Day was first celebrated  by Sonora Smart Dodd to honor her father, a civil war veteran and single father of six children. When do you celebrate Father’s Day in your country?

Tips and suggestions for making the origami heart frame

  • In the video the heart is demonstrated using thin kami paper, known in the U.S. as “origami paper”.
  • Other papers –gift-wrapping or paper from old magazines, are also suitable.
  • Use a piece of paper 6×6 inches (15x15cm.) to make a 3×3-inch photo frame (7.5 x 7.5cm).
  • For a striking effect the colors of each side should be different.
  • For Father’s Day, find papers with linear or geometric patterns.
  • Find colors which are traditionally perceived as masculine. Some choices might be: navy blue, crimson, shades of warm grey, burgundy, gold and green.
  • To include a photo in the frame, center and paste an image measuring 1.5 x 1.5 inches (3.75 x 3.75cm) on a stiffer piece of paper or thin cardboard that slightly smaller than the origami frame.
  • Since this origami heart model is flat, it can be easily carried in the wallet or used to decorate a greeting card.

FREE PRINTABLE  Paper patterns to make an origami heart for Dad:
navy, crimson, gold

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