How to Fold an Egg-laying Origami Hen

This Egg-Laying Origami Hen, attributed to Zsuzsanna Kricskovics, is a charming origami action model. It needs a cut at the end, which might be frowned on by some origami purists.

This cut does not bother me at all. On the contrary, I think it is indispensable because the section that is cut off is used to fold the egg. After all, doesn’t an egg separate from its hen?

In origami terms, this hen’s egg consists of a tiny preliminary base, exactly like the one initially used to fold the hen. This egg could conceivably be used to fold another tiny hen, and another tiny egg, and… so on forever.

I think this model comes from masterful hands. It is a fun action model and a perfect metaphor for the endless egg-hen-egg cycle. If you fold eggs from golden paper then you will have the hen of the ‘golden eggs’.

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“The hen is only the egg’s way of making another egg.” Samuel Buttler

Click HERE to visit the updated post with the video tutorial to make the Egg-Laying origami Hen


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7 thoughts on “How to Fold an Egg-laying Origami Hen”

  1. I love the way that (if you put the egg in properly) it will even work upside-down because the egg is pushed out.
    We should tell NASA, so they can send the first origami-astronaut to the International Space Station to make this model lay eggs in weightless conditions!

  2. Esta gallina es genial! Conocí este plegado de la mano de Gabi Orso en la Convencion de Rosario, Argentina. En plena cena comenzo a hacer su “actuacion”, cacareando mientras tiraba de la cola de la gallina, hasta que salió el huevo. Inolvidable!!

    • Este es uno de mis modelos de movimiento que más me gusta. Me parece brillante y la reacción de la gente cuando uno lo muestra, ni hablar, la gallinita ponedora es una total rompehielos!


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