How to Make a Pentagonal Origami Sakur Star

The process of folding this pentagonal origami star, created by David Martinez, is so pleasing you’ll want to make it over and over.

I have featured this fantastic star called “Sakura Star” in a previous entry, but have just recently produced video instructions showing how to fold it.

  • The video starts by showing how to make a pentagon from a square. If you already know how to make a pentagon, then skip ahead to minute 3:11.
  • You can also see how to add a hint of contrasting color inside the star by inserting a central piece of paper.
  • To conclude, there are instructions on how to make a puffier origami star by joining two units.

Enjoy folding this five pointed origami star. And please do let me know how it goes for you!

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25 thoughts on “How to Make a Pentagonal Origami Sakur Star”

  1. Estimada Leyla:
    Hace muy poco me suscribí a su blog, pero he encontrado muchas figuras interesantes para realizar que no son tan difíciles y con un resultado muy bueno. La felicito por sus videos son muy claros y didácticos y lo de las variaciones son una manera inteligente de orientarnos hacia la creatividad.
    Cordial saludo

  2. Hi, Leyla! I love this model, but seem to be having problems making the pentagon. It seems that two sides are always a touch longer (sometimes about 1/8″), throwing the model off. Do you have any extra tips for that could help me? … I’ve been carefully watching the video, but I can’t seem to find the error of my ways.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated!

  3. Hi leyla, is it okay for me to use a 15cm X 15cm paper? I’m from Southeast Asia and it’s hard to find bigger origami paper. Standard size is 15cm x 15cm.

    From a curious person,
    Tiffany ;-)

  4. Hola Leyla, gracias por todos los tutoriales tan fabulosos, el problema es que tengo muy mala memoria y cada ves que quiero repetir una figura me toco volver al vídeo y muchas veces no tengo un pc al alcance, seria muy interesante que adjuntaras los diagramas o que tuvieras una sección con diagramas de origami que e se pudieran imprimir o guardar.

  5. Dear Leyla,

    Thank you for introducing me tothis wonderful model! You’re so right–I couldn’t stop making them. The best models are those that have a wonderful folding sequence ending in a beautiful model. I’m going to share it with everyone I fold with.

    All the best,

  6. Dear Leyla:

    I had only just folded David Martinez’s Sakura Star the other day. It is indeed one of my favorite models. Now I will make the “puffy” version thanks to you, Leyla.
    Once again, and as always a suberbly executed tutorial. I could watch you fold all day :-)
    Thank you Leyla for this exsquisite origami gift!

    Best wishes always,


  7. Hello dear Leyla,

    I like to say thank you for this wonderful tutorial of David Martinez’ Sakura Star!!
    In july this year Claudia Maroska – a german orgamist – taught at Prien (Bavaria) this nice Star. – But meanwhile I forgot how to do the folding steps. So, Iam really glad, that you made this wonderful tutorial!!
    If you like have a look at flickr – – where you can see what I learned from Claudia. She made a little variation, as you can see.
    Thanks again, dear Leyla!
    Best wishes from Germany


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