How to Make a Pentagon Out of a Square Piece of Paper

One of the most frequent paper shapes used to make origami is a square. But many beautiful figures can be made with other shapes as well. Rectangles, triangles hexagons, pentagons and circles can be used to fold paper. The pentagon in particular is a magical shape to make stars and flowers. This is an example of origami made with a pentagon.

A pentagon is a five sided geometric figure. When all sides are of equal length, it is called a regular pentagon. It’s very easy to make a pentagon from a square piece of paper. This three-minute video will show you how to make a pentagon.

The pentagonal shape is found in living organisms. Many flowers and starfish have pentagonal shapes. If we slice an apple in a half, horizontally, we notice it’s starlike pentagonal center. The Morning Glory flower has five sides as well.

Origami figures made with a pentagon

The photos below show origami models made with a pentagonal piece of paper. Instructions for these models appear on other posts of this blog. Click on the link below each photograph to see a corresponding post and video tutorial.


Sakura Star The process of folding this pentagonal origami star, created by David Martinez, is so pleasing you’ll want to make it over and over.

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Carambola Kusudama This kusudama is based on a beautiful pentagonal origami flower, originally created by Carmen Sprung.

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Malva Rose  This delightful  flower was created by Yara Yagi as she played with a five-sided piece of paper.

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Origami Spirit has provided tutorials and creative direction to origami artists since 2007.

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5 thoughts on “How to Make a Pentagon Out of a Square Piece of Paper”

  1. I know a version that puts the middle of the pentagon in the middle of the square. So if you have paper with a circular pattern (like some packs of origami paper), the pentagon lines up nicely with the pattern.
    I first saw it in Steve and Megumi Biddle’s book “Origami inspired by Japanese Prints”. It is a really easy method. When I asked him, Steve told me that it is a traditional Japanese method, that Megumi learned at school.

  2. Leila, a cada dia nos surpreende com essas maravilhas . Obrigado por compartilhar essas ideias, pena que voce nao mora no Brasil .


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