Christmas Greetings -A Stop Motion Origami Animation

A Christmas and holiday greeting to you, your families, friends, and loved ones.

Today is the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. From one of my south-facing windows, I can see the sun following its lowest and shortest arc across the sky. The good news is that for the next six months, the days will grow longer again here in the north as the sun spends more and more time above the horizon.

To welcome and celebrate the return of light to the north, I’m sharing here with you a one-minute stop-motion animation. It was great fun making it. Enjoy!

The characters in the video:

  • Nine pine-tree origami boxes (Hildegars Schächtele) designed by Carmen Sprung.
  • A Santa Claus origami box (Scatola Babbo Natale) designed by Francesco Mancini.
  • Shining Alice, a star designed by Michael Shall.

Would you like to make these fun origami boxes?
Click on the following links for free diagrams (courtesy of the designers).

Carmen’s Hildegars Schächtele

Francesco’s Scatola Babbo Natale


Diagrams for the star are found in The Best of Annual Collections (OUSA publication).

Wishing you a lovely Christmas and a New Year full of health, creativity and peace!

Leyla Torres

John, my husband, took this photo while I was working on the stop-motion video ;-)

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33 thoughts on “Christmas Greetings -A Stop Motion Origami Animation”

  1. Gracias por compartir su arte,me siento subyugada intentando plegar papel,,algo he conseguido,aunque un poco chueco se entiende…gracias…

  2. Dear Leyla

    I must thank you for your exquisite Christmas designs this year; we have snowflakes hanging in our conservatory, dove lanterns in our sitting room and I shall enjoy making these wonderful pieces this evening. All of your designs, as always, are a delight and your website brings so much joy.

    Please accept my best wishes for a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

    With kind regards
    Mark Brafield

  3. Leyla, beautiful video, thanks for sharing both origami, they are sweet. Merry Christmas to you and your family. And everyone in the origami communities around the world. The origami world is beautiful.

  4. Leyla Torres me gustan tus cajitas del video, y que tengas unas felices fiestas en compania de tus seres queridos. Nora Nardacchione desde Argentina.

  5. LOVE LOVE LOVE this short ORIGAMI video . . . Several years ago I was “into” crafting origami, bought 4 books & several packets of papers.You just gave me some inspiration to renew that creative urge . . . THANKS. After the holidays I’ll get my supplies out of storage. HAPPY HOLIDAYS to you & yours! Sarah, Minneapolis

  6. Hi Leyla;
    ♥ your video;
    wishing You, John and all your loved ones a merry Christmas too
    and all the best for 2014..
    & Thank you for all the inspiration you gave us this year!

  7. Hi Leyla,
    Thank you so much for your generous postings! Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and wonderful 2014!
    With many best wishes,

  8. Merry Christmas to you and your family (including the cat!)

    Now I see how you make those videos. You put the camera on your shoulder, Clever

    • Hi Louis… if you look in detail at the photo, you will notice that the camera is actually on a metallic arm which is held by a tripod. The tripod is not visible on this photo. The camera looks like it is on my shoulder because the angle from which the photo was taken.

  9. Merry Christmas Leyla, John, and Coco:

    Last year at this time Leyla, you wished me a New Year full of wonderful models. As I so often say to students and friends: “Our origami world just gets better and better with each passing day.” So yes, your wish to me was completely fulfilled.
    It is because of the dedication to this art form that you as well as so many others give, that makes our origami world so very beautiful. As you Leyla, give in the true sense of an origami spirit.

    Best to you always,


    • Thank you Rosemary. One of the positive aspects of practicing origami is that it helps us go through the downs and ups of daily life. Just a humble practice can be such a cheerful company.
      Thank you for your continued support and warm words. The paper stars you’ve sent me are hanging on my staircase together with many others of my collection. I love them.
      My best wishes to you too!



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