Emilio Shows his Origami Cats

I recently dedicated a video about origami cats to my nephew, Emilio. Here I  share the thank-you video I received from him.
There is nothing like seeing joy on the face of a child. My heart melts every time I see Emilio showing me his origami cats.

“There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million.”
~Walt Streightiff

Watch the video and brighten your day!

Click here to learn these origami cats and many other easy origami figures for children.

“Children make your life important. “
~Erma Bombeck


Origami Spirit has provided tutorials and creative direction to origami artists since 2007.

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8 thoughts on “Emilio Shows his Origami Cats”

  1. Haces una labor muy bonita e importante: enseñarnos a hacer un poquito de magia. Tus vídeos me gustan mucho porque son claros y buscas la manera más sencilla para tu público.
    Gracias Leyla!!!!

  2. This is so precious and I know how good it must make you feel! I introduced you and your wonderful website to my 12 year old grand daughter. She and I both agreed we love your designs and your sweet soothing voice that accompanies each video. Your gentle spirit shines through. Thank you so much!


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