An Easy Paper Helicopter -Entertainment for Children of All Ages

Do you have children you’d like to entertain? Nieces, nephews or grandchildren, maybe?  Having some gentle fun with paper toys can be so very simple. And economical!

In less than five minutes you can make several of these paper helicopters. Then you can easily demonstrate how to lift up this fun toy and let it fly from the sky. It’s a guarantee that you’ll see delight shining on the faces of your young charges as these helicopters gently spin their way to the ground. And you will have fun too!

My two-year-old nephew, Emilio, and I enjoyed making these paper toys together. Watch the video to see how easy it is to make and how much fun Emilio and his grandparents had playing with them.

Tips and suggestions for making the paper helicopter

  • Use a strip of paper of any size. The approximate proportion should be about 4:1.
  • All kinds of papers can be used to make this paper helicopter: Office paper, wrapping paper, packaging paper, magazine or advertisement papers, origami paper.
  • The paper can be cut with scissors or torn by hand.
  • Stacking a number of paper strips for cutting allows easy preparation of many helicopters at once.

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7 thoughts on “An Easy Paper Helicopter -Entertainment for Children of All Ages”

  1. Hermoso y facil de hacer. Ademas me encanto ver a tus viejos gozar viendo como vuela el helicoptero.


    Elsa Lucia

  2. Hi Leyla, a great video, and a simple model even simpler.
    I usually divide in thirds both ways, i.e. the wings are one third. Then in the bottom I fold up like a small centimeter (1/3 of an inch). That forms a small hook. Try hanging a lot on a thread an release them all at once.
    Best, Hans

    • What fun Hans! I just made one with three wings as you describe, and it flies beautifully. I also like the idea of hanging many from a thread. I suppose the are hung from the hook and the thread is shaken to release them?


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