Make an Origami Cross -Version 2

This origami cross is a lovely variation of the cross presented in the previous post. Matthew Green (USA-Mexico) is the designer of both origami crosses.

The following step-by-step video shows how to make this version of the origami cross. Thank you to Matthew for granting permission to present your model.

A friend of mine mentioned how this origami cross reminded him of the cross made by his mother for the “Day of the Holy Cross” celebration. As I had never heard of that celebration, I asked my own mother if she was familiar with it. This is what she told me:

When I was a girl, on May third, every year, a cross was hung on a visible place of the house. In the old times, the cross was made with the aromatic leaves of a wild plant called “Laurel de Cera” (Morella Parvifolia). This plant is native of the high Andes, from Venezuela to Peru –Nowadays, to protect the mountains ecosystem, collecting this plant is illegal in Colombia.

The cross could be as small as the length of a human hand or as big as a human arm. It was decorated with red carnations, which lasted a few days and then removed after they wilted.

A small fabric bag with seven grains and three coins was attached to the back. It could be hung in the kitchen or behind the entrance door.

On May third, people would recite the name of Jesus for thousand times to bring protection and prosperity to the family. The leaves of the prior year’s cross were cleaned and boiled in water to be used in a bath.

The origins of this festival are linked to pagan traditions and spring rituals. As it occurs at the beginning of May, it is related to the Maypole, a tall wooden pole erected as a part of various European folk festivals, around which a dance takes place.

Tips and suggestions for making the origami cross

  • Thin, crisp paper is ideal to use for this origami cross. In the video the cross is demonstrated using thin kami paper, known in the U.S. as “origami paper”.
  • Other papers –gift-wrapping or office are also suitable.
  • Use a piece of paper at least 6×6 inches (15x15cm.) when first learning the model.
  • Only one side of the paper shows in the front. It is not necessary to have paper of different color on each side.
  • Practice making the cross a few times with flat-colored paper.
  • This origami cross can be a beautiful ornament on a wedding or as a first-communion gift.origami-cross-gift

These are the two versions of Matthew Green‘ crosses published in Origami Spirit.
Click here to make the origami cross shown on the left


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3 thoughts on “Make an Origami Cross -Version 2”

  1. Thank you once again for a superb model and excellent instructions.
    Just a little point – in English what you call a packet should be a pocket.
    Looking forward to your next video!


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