NEW CHALLENGE: 31 ideas to fold and share in December

A list of Origami folding prompts for Origami Spirit -December 2022

Please join us any time during this month of December 2022 as we explore this month’s folding themes. This OrigamiSpirit challenge is open to anyone who wants to participate. Here is how to play along: Family Donkey Elf Santa Icicles Green and Red Lights Gift Peppermint Snowflake Tree Cane Poinsettia Night Ball Ornament Sheep Baby … Read more

NEW CHALLENGE: 30 ideas to fold and share in November

A list of origami folding prompts for Origami Spirit - November 2022

Please join us any time during this month of November 2022 as we explore this month’s folding themes. This OrigamiSpirit challenge is open to anyone who wants to participate. Here is how to play along: Barn Mushroom Gratitude Reflection Owl Together Popcorn Coffee Bear Memory Penguin Purple Maple Vehicle Seashell Scarecrow Crow Friendship Scorpio Mouse … Read more

NEW CHALLENGE: 31 ideas to fold and share in October

Please join us any time during this month of October 2022 as we explore this month’s folding themes. This OrigamiSpirit challenge is open to anyone who wants to participate. Here is how to play along: Share origami models (newly folded or folded in the past), concepts or ideas, that include one of the prompts posted … Read more

NEW CHALLENGE: 30 ideas to fold and share in September

Please join us any time during this month of September 2022 as we explore this month’s folding themes. This OrigamiSpirit challenge is open to anyone who wants to participate. Here is how to play along: Share origami models (newly folded or folded in the past), concepts or ideas, that include one of the prompts posted … Read more

NEW CHALLENGE: 31 things to fold and share in August 2022

Please join us any time during this lovely month of August as we explore this month’s folding theme in the beauty and warmth of this special time: Warm Weather This OrigamiSpirit challenge is open to anyone who wants to participate. Here is how to play along: Share origami models (newly folded or folded in the … Read more

ABC to Z Alphabet Origami Challenge – Letter Z

Participate in our ABC to Z origami challenge! Here you find paper-folding prompts to give you direction and ideas to fold and share origami related to the LETTER Z. During this ABC to Z origami challenge, we are sharing origami models or concepts related to each letter of the alphabet. Once a week, on Thursday, … Read more