Román Diaz: The best origami ideas are usually simple

Have you ever felt intimidated by the idea of designing an origami model? Do you stop yourself from even trying? In the interview clip shared below, Roman Diaz shares three great ideas when setting out to create origami figures that will encourage you to try your hand at design. To watch this interview in full, … Read more

Origami Artist and Visual Story Teller- Guy Binyamin

Guy Binyamin (Israel) is an origami artist and engineer. Sensitive to the importance of light and color, Guy folds exquisite animals and creatures and presents his models in beautifully creative compositions that tell compelling tales. Guy shared some of his secrets for creating unique origami storytelling magic in a one-hour conversation with members of Origamigos, … Read more

Origami Designer and Teacher – Rob Snyder

Rob Snyder was invited as an OrigamiSpirit Membership guest speaker. During our hour-long session, Rob shared details about his life and work as an origami artist. Rob has been creating and sharing his unique origami models since 2015. Rob’s original designs have been published by OrigamiUSA, the British Origami Society, the Spanish Origami Association, and … Read more