Origami for Beginners: What a Bicycle Racer Can Teach Us

Origami butterfly by Evi Binzinger. Video instruction below.——- Simple Origami: What principles for cycling success can apply to origami for beginners? In this year’s centennial edition of the Tour de France, 2013, I watched with joy the masterful cycling performance displayed by the 23-year-old Colombian cyclist, Nairo Quintana. A newcomer to the Tour de France this … Read more

Useful Origami, Adding Happiness to Your Life!

At an origami convention in New York City, Vicente Palacios, an origami artist and teacher from Spain, related how people often asked him what is origami good for. He would respond with another question: “What are babies good for?” We certainly enjoy folding origami pieces that extend beyond the joy of creating and folding them. … Read more

Keeping a Visual Journal –Leyla’s Work Table

Do you remember what was on your creativity table twelve months ago, or even twelve days ago? I have kept a visual journal of my artwork for a couple of years now, by photographing my work table at different moments throughout the year. Every image in this visual journal is linked to daily events that … Read more

Recovering Health Through Origami

In this post Ronald Koh shares his challenge with serious health issues and the path to recovery through his passion for origami. It is an inspiring example of inner strength, perseverance, and the valuable health benefit of an origami practice. Origami and me Origami has been a large part of my life for as long … Read more

A Thousand Cranes, a book by Florence Temko

Aside from being a symbol of world peace, health, and long life, the origami crane has come to signify the art of paper folding itself. This idea is reinforced in a new edition of the book A Thousand Cranes: Origami Projects for Peace and Happiness by the prolific origami creator and author, Florence Temko. Book … Read more

Windmill Base Variations -Video

Friedrich Fröbel (1782-1852), German educator, crystallographer, and originator of the kindergarten concept, was one of the first to point to the creation of folded patterns like these featured here. Using white paper only, Fröbel created his own unique collection of folded forms of beauty, as he called them. In the book Extreme Origami, author Kunihiko Kasahara … Read more