Origami Art Therapy for Mental Health

“To send light into the darkness of human beings~ such is the duty of the artist.”  Schumann The therapeutic health benefit gift that origami can bring to people who are mentally ill is something that Rosemary Browne has seen firsthand. Rosemary is a passionate origami teacher who has been helping people overcome their mental challenges … Read more

A New Museum of Origami in Uruguay

Uruguay may seem like a remote country, but soon it will be close to the hearts of those who love paper folding. In September 2016, an origami museum will open its doors in the Uruguayan town of Colonia del Sacramento: OrigamiHouse Colonia, Museo del Plegado del Papel y Talleres. The project, developed by Laura Rozenberg, seeks … Read more

Using Origami to Teach Kids Math, Art, Language and Science

Are you a teacher or a home-schooling parent? Did you know that origami can be used in the classroom as a teaching tool? The art of paper folding is excellent to teach and improve math and vocabulary, and to introduce children to different cultures and to concepts of art, science and social studies. In addition, it can help … Read more

Origami Flower -Beautiful, Easy and Fast to Fold

Origami flowers are usually easy to make and have the added benefit of not wilting –as quickly anyway, as natural flowers. They can be perfect gifts or used as festive decorations. This six-petal flower is made with three rectangular units tied together with a piece of wire or pipe cleaner. It is informally known as … Read more

Origami – Changing Lives for the Better

Please reflect for a minute on this question: How has origami contributed to your life? How would you answer it? In the video shown here, I interview Sara Adams (Germany) at the 2015 OrigamiUSA convention, in New York City. During our conversation I asked Sara this very question. She responded eloquently and also answered other questions regarding her … Read more

Why Keep a Journal -Creativity Through Origami

In addition to keeping a written journal, I periodically take pictures of the worktable in my studio, where I do most of my paper folding. This is my visual journal. The video below shows this table as it appeared at different times throughout 2013.  Click to see videos of my visual journals in 2012 and 2011. … Read more