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Making Origami Elephants to Help Stop the Ivory Trade

Elephants need our help. Now! All ivory markets are a threat to the lives of elephants, and to stop the killing these markets must be shut down. In an effort to raise awareness and achieve this goal, the Wildlife Conservation Society is attempting to break the Guinness World Record for the most origami elephants displayed. … Read more

Make Origami Trees to Celebrate World Environment Day

Did you know that June 5th is World Environment Day?I’d like to invite you to join me in the ongoing effort to raise awareness of our precious environment. To participate  please fold either an origami tree, an origami creature or maybe an origami flower using a piece of recycled paper. When you’ve completed your origami … Read more

Origami Elephant Display, World-Record Attempt –Help Needed!‏‎

In the 1930’s it is estimated that there were  7-10 million elephants alive worldwide. Today that number is considerably smaller and declining rapidly. PLEASE contribute origami elephants to raise awareness of the endangered status of elephants worldwide! The Zoological Society of London and Whipsnade Zoo are attempting to break the World Record for the most … Read more

How to Make an Origami Elephant

There are many origami elephants, but this one, created by Mr. Fumiaki Kawahata, is one of my all-time favorite origami animals! It’s one whose folding steps I memorized years ago at an origami convention in New York City. Origami books by Mr. Kawahata include*: North American Animals in Origami (co-author together with John Montrol)Wild Animals … Read more