I’ve dropped everything to become a shoemaker!

These days I have folded high-heel shoes in all styles and for all occasions:

  • Piet Mondrian-style shoes to attend the opening of an exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art
  • Piccaso-style shoes to stroll through the streets of Paris
  • Tarot-style shoes to advance into an auspicious future
  • Cow-skin high-fashion shoes for a night of dancing in a Vermont barn
  • Red shoes to tip-toe into a forbidden garden
  • Black shoes with golden inserts to march on a red carpet
  • Tropical lemon-green shoes for dancing to the sound of guitars, clarinets and bongo in Old Havana
  • Recycled paper shoes to take some steps to save the planet…

Each pair of these designer shoes fits the spirit of each of the women to whom I will give them at Christmas.

Photos © Leyla Torres. Folded by Leyla Torres.

Note: These shoes are my versions of a model I was taught by a friend of mine. I don’t know who is the designer. I believe it is of Japanese origin.  I welcome  information about their origin.

I do not have diagrams or videos available for distribution.


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13 thoughts on “I’ve dropped everything to become a shoemaker!”

  1. A ideia de fazer o video e muito bom,seria insetos , sapatinhos.Pois voce trabalha muito bem , parabens.

  2. these are simply WOW!!
    plz plz plz plz plzzzzzz cn u make a video n post it on ur blog???

  3. Wow! As a shoe lover your work has truly made me smile. I will have to find a way to incorporate this into my blog.
    Great work!!!

  4. Dear Leyla
    Nyodo Inoue is the designer of this model. It was published in MONTHLY ORIGAMI MAGAZINE, May 2010 (no. 417) p. 28-29, diagrammed by Terumi Tatsumi.

    Kind regards from Switzerland


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