Beautiful Papers and Gifts in a Cozy Vermont Store

Where I live in Vermont there is no easy access to good art supply stores. This is one convenience I miss not living in a large city where art materials and supplies are more conveniently accessible.

Yes, thank goodness I can order supplies through the Internet!

But, I’m not completely out of luck. In the neighboring town of Bennington, Vermont, just 16 miles to the south, there is a wonderful little storefront with a charming name: Catbird Studio.

Inside this cozy shop is a broad selection of beautiful papers. And as many paper folders know, from experience,  there’s nothing like  seeing and feeling the texture and color of  paper before working with it.

Visiting Catbird Studio is a temptation not just for people who love paper, but also for those prowling for tasteful small gifts. Handmade jewelry, crafts, specialty soaps, candles and cards are some of the items that fill the shelves. It’s like a museum shop with items from different places around the world and every item a delight and chosen with care.

So, if your travel plans ever bring you near the vicinity of southwestern Vermont, be sure to stop in Bennington. The Catbird Studio is a great place to satisfy your wish for  beautiful paper, and nice things.

Catbird Studio • 332 Main Street • Bennington, Vermont
Hours: Tuesday to Saturday 10-4.

Catbird Storefront

Do you have a favorite paper store in your neighborhood? What is it like?

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