I thought of many uses for Ms. Ayako Kawate’s origami accordion box when I first saw it. At the very top of my list was the possibility of organizing paperclips, pushpins, rubber bands, and other nicknacks that always clutter my desk.
The box is made with as many modular containers as desired and is easy to fold and assemble.
Watch this video to learn how to make the origami accordion box.
In addition to being a pharmacist, Ms. Kawate is a gifted and prolific designer of other elegant and functional models. She is a member of the Nippon Origami Association and the author of “Origami creator Ⅰ” of NOA Book series.
Diagrams for the accordion box are published in NOA Magazine No.385 2007.9. Subscriptions to NOA Magazine and other origami publications may be obtained through the NOA website.
A wheel may be formed by joining together twenty or more accordion box modules. Have fun rolling this around, especially if there is a cat in the house!
What other objects can we make with these modular units?
thank you for the wonderful tutorial it was very straightforward and i am hoping to use it as a pot for a small succulent though i am not sure how to waterproof it do you have any ideas?
I’m happy you liked it. As far as waterproofing paper, I don’t have a tip to share.
Dear Leyla,
I love to do ALL of your origami. To me, you are THE BEST!!!! I saw you at the origami un-convention and tried to say hello to you but there were so many people that I’m sure you did not see me. Anyway, I just finished a small origami accordion box for my granddaughter. When I ever get to see her in person again, I will give it to her filled with as much candy as I can fit in. I have to teach now (I help people with English as a second language) so when I am finished I will go to your website Origami Spirit and try to do everything there (if I have time).
Thank you Phyllis, for such a warm message. I’m very happy that you like what you find here in Origami Spirit.
You are always welcome here!
Hello Leyla,
I folow you since a long time, now, you learned me so much !
The whell i, this model could make a beautiful weath for Chrismas, with the good paper and some décorations…
As usual, a lucid and beautifully done video. These modules are so satisfying to fold and assemble. I noticed that the wheel is also a flexagon.
Thanks Leyla.
complimenti Leyla: il video è molto chiaro e l’oggetto è bellissimo e anche utile. proverò
Thank you Rosa for writing. I’m happy you liked it!
This is a very easy model thank you Mrs. Torres
You are welcome Andrew!
Ms Leyla I am not usually good at Origami but your tutorial was so fantastic I could easily make one at first attempt. I added a handle to make a basket . Have pinned your fabulous tutorial here:Box tutorials Here is the link to a basket I made : Paper Basket
Dear Dr. Sonia,
Thank you for sharing with us your take on this lovely origami box. You have added a very personal and creative touch. And you are very patient for origami and skillful with your hands, just as the great surgeon you are! Greetings to your little daughter!
Thank you Leyla, I enjoyed this and all your tutorials.
really cool and works great:)
This is fantastic and innovative, and a great model to show off pretty double sided papers! I plan to make two sets to use as desk drawer organisers for all those small objects :) The wheel idea is fantastic as well!
Leyla onde posso conseguir o diagrama deste Accordion Box? obrigada, adorei, já fiz várias….
Leyla donde puedo conseguir este recuadro Acordeón diagrama? gracias, me encantó, he hecho varias ….
Hola, si lees el artículo arriba, ahí encuentras la información de dónde están los diaqgramas.
hola…. esta página y todo está muy interesante, en mi colegio también practicamos origami y nos ha ayudado demasiado en procesos intelectuales estan todos invitados a visitar http://origamiymatematicas.blogspot.com
Gracias Diana, me alegra que el origami te sea una buena herramienta para entender conceptos matemáticos.
I know a much easier way to fold a piece of paper into thirds. Just go to this link!
Hi Jing Yi Uw,
Thank you for sharing with us your nice method of dividing the paper in thirds and fifths.
Adorei todo o seu trabalho. Sempre fui apaixonada por coisas em papel. Você poderia indicar-me um professor em Campinas – SP, Brasil?
Hola Lucia,
Obrigada por sua visita Lucia. Talvez você pode entrar em contato Vera Young através de seu blog http://www.coisasdepapel.com.br/
Ela é do Brasil e poderia estar em melhores condições para lhe dar informações sobre professores no Brasil.
Obrigada por compartilhar este precioso modelo! Dá uma olhadinha na Roda d´Àgua Arcoiris que eu dobrei… Esse módulo é muuuuuuito bom! Um abraço.
Oh, Leyla, you should post more often! I love reading your blog posts!
Where do you get miniature clothes pins? The only ones I have found are the wooden “decorative” ones at Michael’s and they are a bit wobbly.
I think you can get some for cheap at dollar stores, such as Dollarama. I got some cute wooden butterfly-decorated clothes pins there last year.
Thanks, Ryynette! I will check those stores.
I finally made the Accordian Box…thanks, Leyla – it is really a great model!
I usually find miniature clothespins in a store specializing in wooden products in Manchester, VT. It’s not a chain store so I don’t think this is helpful information! :-(
Thanks, Leyla – I so want those tiny plastic ones :)
Late answer here. I find them in a wooden store around where I live. but they are a little wobbly too!
¡Hola Leyla ! gracias por contestarme sobre el papel. No se còmo explicarte que al traducir del inglès al español, sale medio cortado, como hablaban los indios americanos en las pelìculas. No se porqué sale así. ¿Me entendiste? Ojalá que sí.- Un abrazo, Graciela.-
As usual, I really like this. You have a great eye for picking the best models!
Great model, Leyla! Thank you for the video!
¡Què hermoso el acordeón origami! Me gusta la idea de hacer uno para mi mesa que comparto con mi hija, que estudia. Vivo en la Argentina, y necesito saber, què papel se usa para este trabajo. Estoy maravillada. Espero su respuesta. Gracias.-
Ojalá les quede bien bonito! Cuando lo tengas hecho nos envías un enlace para verlo.
Hello! with translating all cut out. Need to know what paper is used for this work. OK?
El papel de la cajita lo adquirí del sitio web de Creased Magazine: http://creased.com/shopping.html
El de la rueda es de Colombia, pero también se puede comprar a través de Creased Magazine.
Finished … https://plus.google.com/u/0/109625049059114792477/posts/U2RHeAMjSfa
Great module! Great design! Great video! Thanks!
Thank you for the link Hans. Your accordion and wheel look fabulous. I love that paper you use. I’d love to get some… where do you buy it in Germany?
… another brand ist ‘folia’ they have good duo color wrapping paper …
Hi do you do classes cause i’m a very young girl interested in origami since 3rd grade but now i’m in sixth
Hi Mayah,
Yes I teach origami. I have many youtube video tutorials for beginners. I am sure you will be able to follow them and learn.
Here is a link to the list of all the videos you can use to learn. https://www.origamispirit.com/videos/
… completed my first three modules … thanks for the video!
Great Hans, please post photos when you finish it!
Luciacara, Charri, Rosemari, I thank you for your comments!
It just gets better and better! Thank you, as always Leyla, for a most wonderful video showing the ingenuity of Ms. Kawayte.
Great model…..the YouTube was very easy to follow. Thanks! I appreciate your efforts and artistry!
Ingenious-looking container – thanks for posting !