The Banquet – Leyla Torres and Eliana Jager

One of my origami bees flew out of the studio window on a bright sunny morning and discovered a delightful, tasty, flower garden. My niece, Eliana, and I created a stop-motion animation of this origami bee having a feast.

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These were the steps we followed to make the stop motion video:

  • An origami bee was folded.
  • Flowers and leaves were cut from the garden.
  • A digital camera on a tripod was positioned over a table.
  • A big sheet of green paper was placed on the table as a background.
  • Step by step flowers and leaves were positioned on this background.
  • Every time an element was moved on the background a photograph was taken.
  • 283 pictures –3 pictures per second of video, were taken.
  • Still photographs were downloaded to the computer and iMovie was used for editing and sound effects.

Eliana and I had at least eight hours of fun together while making this animation in the summer of 2012.

We hope you enjoy it as much as the bee liked her banquet!


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12 thoughts on “The Banquet – Leyla Torres and Eliana Jager”

  1. Oh, Leyla, What an inspired, joyful video you and your beautiful niece, Eliana, have created! Each time I visit Origami Spirit I am mesmerized for hours! I’m so happy to have discovered your gifts and appreciative of your willingness to share them. The surprises you bring are endless! Blessings.

    • Hi Shirley,
      I love that your cats were happy because of this origami fly/bee. If you ever take a photo of your cats playing with these little insects, please share a link where we can see them. Thank you for writing!

  2. Que belezinha! Delicado e singelo.

    Parabéns para vocês. E muito obrigada pelas dicas e por sua generosidade.

    Abraço brasileiro da Rachel.

  3. Dear Leyla:

    What a fantastic little video. It brought a big smile to my face while watching! Your neice is a beautiful young woman. What a lovely photo of the two of you.

    Thank you Leyla for continuing to inspire and nuture me through your passion for origami as well as your obvious love of Nature.

    Best always,


  4. El Banquete en Origamispirit!
    Seguí yo proceso de reojo y ahora también puedo disfrutar del resultado! tanto como la abeja de su banquete ;-)

  5. Eliana e Leyla, vocês estão de parabéns!

    A Animação ficou alegre, delicada… encantadora!
    E a explicação está excelente! Muito agradecida.

    Um abraço daqui do Basil, Vera.


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