Giveaway -Earth Day and Arbor Day Celebration 2014

GIVEAWAY CLOSED! Winners announced in a video below.

Watch this video and participate in our Earth Day and Arbor Day giveaway. Three sets of seasons-magnets will be raffled among those who participate.

The magnets, featuring trees representing the four seasons, are my interpretation of a tree designed by Nguyễn Hùng Cường (Vietnam). Each magnet features my original signature.

To enter this giveaway:

  1. Fold any origami ANIMAL or origami FLOWER from a video featured on my Youtube channel.
  2. Take a picture of the model you make.
  3. Go to Origami Spirit Facebook page
  4. Look for the post titled Earth Day Giveaway
  5. Share your picture in the comments section.

THREE (3) Sets of Season Magnets will be raffled among people who participate.

The giveaway will take place on May 4, 2014, 6pm (New York City time)
The three winners will be announced within 48 hours following the raffle. Good luck!



Origami Spirit has provided tutorials and creative direction to origami artists since 2007.

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7 thoughts on “Giveaway -Earth Day and Arbor Day Celebration 2014”

  1. Namaste, Leyla! Hermosos los arbolitos!

    “No me basta con leer que las arenas de las playas son suaves;
    quiero que mis pies desnudos lo sientan…
    Me es inútil todo conocimiento que no haya sido precedido de una sensación.
    Nunca he visto nada suavemente bello en este mundo
    sin desear enseguida que toda mi ternura lo toque.
    Amorosa belleza de la tierra:
    el desfloramiento de tu superficie es maravilloso.
    ¡Oh paisaje en que se ha hundido mi deseo!
    Región abierta en que mi rebusca se pasea;
    avenida de papiros que se cierra sobre el agua;
    cañas curvadas sobre la ribera;
    aberturas de los claros;
    aparición de la llanura en la apertura de los ramajes,
    de la promesa ilimitada.
    Me he paseado por los pasillos de rocas o de plantas.
    He visto desarrollarse primaveras…”

    Los alimentos terrestres-André Gide


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