Yellow Butterflies in Tribute to Gabriel García Márquez

As have mentioned in another post, the yellow butterflies fluttering about Mauricio Babilonia in One Hundred Years of Solitude is an image that has stayed imprinted in my mind since reading that wonderful book. These butterflies were my gateway to Gabriel García Márquez’s world of magical realism.

Today I join the universal chorus of fans giving tribute to the life and work of this great literary master.

To celebrate and honor the work of García Márquez (1927-2014), I invite you to fold a yellow origami butterfly. Then share it on the Facebook page of OrigamiSpirit.

Here are two videos with instructions to make origami butterflies. If you are beginning with origami, practice first by making some easier origami figures.

Butterfly designed by Evi Binzinger

Butterfly designed by Leyla Torres

Fold your butterfly and click here to share it on our Facebook page.


Origami Spirit has provided tutorials and creative direction to origami artists since 2007.

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9 thoughts on “Yellow Butterflies in Tribute to Gabriel García Márquez”

  1. Leyla I would like to thank you so much for the wonderful way you explain and teach the way to make so many wonderful origami models. I first made the origami elephant with you and have made quite a large number now. I just love you so much for helping to make it easy to follow my passion for folding a simple piece of paper into a wonderful model. I ám so in debged to you. I am a nurse 68 years old still working in Usa doing advanced wound care. I find origami so rewarding all my patients receive a Lafosse butterfly that I put on a thin wooden rod. I am so grateful for you in my life Leyla. Gloria

    • Thank you Gloria, your words come in to my heart like freshly cut flowers. I appreciate them very much and I’m happy you enjoy what you find in this site. Keep folding with joy!

  2. Saludos Leila.. en Chile también es conocido, leído y muy admirado Gabriel García Marquez.
    Leí hace años su mas famoso libro y sus vivencias me acompañarán siempre.
    un abrazo desde Santiago de Chile, Aída.

  3. WHAT A TRIBUTE to a remarkable writer, Gabriel Garcia Marquez! Your creative yellow origami butterflies are lovely. Thanks for the tutorial. Sarah Helene in Minneapolis


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