A Quick Origami Rose, a Variation and a Leaf –Three in One!

Made and photographed by Louise Flax Oppenheimer

Roses are ancient symbols of love and beauty. This origami rose is easy to make and will probably become a staple in your repertoire of origami flowers. Once you’ve made a couple of roses and leaves it will take no more than five minutes to make a pair.
The origami rose and leaf were designed  by Gay Merrill Gross (USA).  Gay is a prolific origami artist, teacher, and book author. She has a knack for creating simple and beautiful origami models like this rose and leaf.
The following step-by-step video shows how to make Gay’s Quickie Rose, a leaf, and a variation. Thank you Gay for giving permission to share your rose and leaf.

Tips and suggestions for making the origami rose and leaf

  • Many kind of papers can be used to make this origami rose.
  • In the video, the rose and the leaf are demonstrated using a paper similar in weight as office paper.
  • “Tant” paper is make a good choice too. Do experiment with thinner papers as well.
  • The finished origami rose shows both sides of the paper so paper with the same color on both sides would be ideal.
  • The paper for the leaf should be about three quarters the size of the square for the rose.
  • If the paper size for the rose is 4×4-inch (10×10cm) the leaf should be sized 3×3-inch (7.5×7.5 cm).
  • This origami rose is the perfect model to make a lei or garland of flowers.
  • The video includes a rose variation with raised center. When you’ve mastered the original rose try this variation too.

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12 thoughts on “A Quick Origami Rose, a Variation and a Leaf –Three in One!”

  1. Apreciada Leyla
    Quiero hacer un ramo de tus rosas rojas, pero no encuentro el papel adecuado.
    Necesitaría un papel rojo por ambos lados, de 10×10 cm, o de 12x12cm.
    Me puedes decir donde lo puedo encontrar.

    • Hola José,

      Esta rosa se puede hacer a partir de papel de oficina que sea de color rojo. No sé exactamente dónde vives así que no sabría informarte del sitio perfecto para comprar papel.
      Pero en una papelería donde vendan papel para fotocopiadora puedes preguntar si tienen papel rojo, que luego cortarías en cuadrados de tamaño apropiado.

  2. Hi Leyla! I’m from Malaysia, the country right above Singapore. Origami is not very popular here but I love it. I have a friend who is Jewish living in Sweden. I would like to make a Star of David. The one that looks like this. ww.youtube.com/watch?v=bTAoiewODJ4 I hope this is not much to ask. I think this would be a great video for you to post. My friend is leaving for Paris for her studies in pastry making in 4 weeks. So please, Leyla. Please make a video tutorial for me so that my friend can receive it before she leaves for Paris.



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