Origami Flower for a Guinness-Record Attempt

Have you ever seen more than fifty thousand origami flowers in one place?

I am honored that UTFOLD (University of Toronto Origami Club)  has made 51,080 examples of my Hollow-Petal Flower for a Guinness World Record attempt in the ‘Largest Display of Origami Flowers’ category.

With this project, UTFOLD intents to raise awareness and create dialogue for cancer and cancer research through artistic expression. See more photos in their Flickr page.

The origami flower is related in design to this  origami shamrock. I featured this flower in one of my first video tutorials and I’m now pleased to share it again in this updated and improved video tutorial.

Tips and suggestions for making the origami flower

  • If you are just beginning your adventure in the art of paper folding I suggest practicing first by folding the traditional crane or the flapping bird before attempting this origami flower.
  • Thin and crisp paper is ideal to use for this flower.
  • In the video the origami flower model is demonstrated using thin kami paper. In the U.S. kami is known as “origami paper”.
  • Use a piece of paper 6 x 6 inches (15cm.) or bigger to make this flower.
  • Only one side of the paper shows in the front. It is not necessary to have paper colored differently on each side.
  • To make the leaves use a square paper whose side is 3/4 of the paper used to make the flower.

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7 thoughts on “Origami Flower for a Guinness-Record Attempt”

  1. Leyla, poco a poco me involucro más en vuestro trabajo y veo que es maravilloso, enhorabuena desde Madrid por el éxito de reunir un record de flores !!

    • Hola Antonio. El crédito de reunir todas estas flores no va para mí directamente, sino para el grupo canadiense que las plegó ;-) Yo me quedo con el orgullo de que eligieron mi flor para multiplicarla de esta manera.
      Gracias por tu visita y bienvenido!

  2. BRAVO!!!! Honor mas que merecido. Felicitaciones y muchos exitos mas por venir.
    Un abrazote lleno de buenos deseos y mucho carino
    Elsa Lucia

  3. This is fantastic, Leyla. Indeed what an honor and so deserved. Congratulations to you and to all the folders of the “Hollow Petal Flower.”


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