Mindfulness and Creativity with Origami –Workshop

Gerardo Gacharná has invited Leyla Torres, writer of this blog, as the next guest speaker of Foldeas: Sharing Ideas through Origami.

Foldeas is a series of online hands-on presentations related to paper folding (Zoom Platform). Each presentation is free of charge and features a guest speaker from different countries and backgrounds.

The title of Leyla’s presentation is “Mindfulness and Creativity with Origami”.
Date and Time:
Saturday, July 25, 2020
11:00 – 1:00 pm (New York)
4:00 – 6:00 pm (London)
8:30 – 10:30 pm (New Delhi).

There is limited seating, so register soon!

At this presentation you will…

  • Go on a folding journey to open your mind to creative thinking through paper folding.
  • Try a different way of folding with the spirit of a beginner’s mind.

No previous experience with origami is needed to attend.

To register for “Mindfulness and Creativity with Origami” click on the following link https://tiny.cc/foldeas

You can’t attend? Please help us spread the word by sharing and posting this information and the image of the invitation with friends and family via your social media or by sharing the link to this post.

Download the invitation here: https://tiny.cc/fposter

To register for “Mindfulness and Creativity with Origami” click on the following link https://tiny.cc/foldeas


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30 thoughts on “Mindfulness and Creativity with Origami –Workshop”

  1. Pingback: Fabric Origami
  2. Leyla, thank for offering your class. As usual, I was delighted! I really enjoyed taking our time to fold the model, and then observing the shapes along the way.
    It definitely was a practice of origami meditation. Thank you.

  3. Hi Layla,

    My 12yr old enjoyed your session so much.He especially liked the ‘crumbling’ part, kept saying it is so satisfying to do it and feel the paper afterwards! He also liked learning he Origami uses of a spoon! Thanks for sparking ideas in him, looking forward to more sessions from you!

  4. Querida Leyla, muchisimas gracias por tu invitation. Me encanto la manera como enfocaste la clase, nos llevaste a imaginar muchos objetos y diferentes animales a traves de todo el proceso y lo mas importante la relajacion y el mindfulness. Te felicito y de Nuevo mil gracias. 😘🤗🌻

    • Cuánto me alegra que hayas asistido a este taller, Amalia! Con el gran número de personas que asistieron, no me di cuenta que estabas presente. Me alegra que te haya gustado y mil gracias por escribir esta nota aquí. Abrazos!

  5. Hi Leyla,
    Your workshop reinforced my thinking that the journey is as important, if not more, than the destination. It solves certain dilemmas in my head about my own apprehensions when I tackle complex diagrams. Thank you for a nice, introspective and calming session. We enjoyed the trip you took us on…

  6. Dear Leyla, thank you for the wonderful session. I liked the way you showed how to cut a square from A4 paper without folding the paper diagonally and leaving unnecessary fold on the square.
    Even the idea of using a spoon instead of any expensive bone folder was great.

  7. Gostei muito mas estava a espera de dobrar mais 2 ou 3 origamis demorou muito tempo a fazer o tsuru. E devia pôr o diagrama. A apresentação podia ser mais curta e devia disponibilizar aos presentes os PowerPoint

    • Thank you Dalila for your feedback and suggestions. As could be determined by the title and description of the presentation, the point of the presentation was to explore mindfulness and creativity and to be attentive to the process of folding in a different way. The goal was not to fold a number of origami models.
      Some of this presentation was delivered using videos and slides. You are welcome to send me a personal note (click here) and let me know what content exactly you would have liked presented using PowerPoint. Once again, I greatly appreciate your feedback!

  8. The Foldeas session with Leyla Torres. was an emotional session. It made us think that the final outcome while doing something may or may not be as desired. One need to pause and enjoy the process. Success will follow.
    Thank you

  9. Leyla: It was wonderful! I was struck by the variety of people, of all ages and from so many countries, from teenage young men to older folks. It also gave me a new way to look at origami – not just as a folding exercise and means to an end, but as a process to take more time with and enjoy the folds. As an elementary teacher, I could also see using these ideas in the classroom – as both a math and mindfulness exercise. Loved it!

    • Hi Diane,
      Sharing with people of all ages and backgrounds is one of the aspects I enjoy the most about origami. I am glad that you draw useful ideas to put in practice in the classroom. Thank you for writing!

  10. Thank you so much for the brilliant workshop! It was such a wonderfully joyful experience. And so special to participate with such a diverse group of people from all around the world. You have such a professional yet personal way of teaching, Leyla, from which I learnt a great deal, and not only about Origami. Creativity is a fascinating topic and for me the session was a real an eye-opener. Thank you so much.

    • I am very happy that the presentation gave you a sense of joy, and open your eyes to new aspects of creativity an origami, Rosie. I appreciate your sharing your thoughts here. Keep on folding!

  11. Dear Leyla,
    My biggest takeaway from this wonderful session was that, origami teaches you about qualities and skills that are so easily applicable to other areas of life –
    – It teaches you to be patient with yourself.
    – While you have your eye on the big picture (result), it teaches you to be diligent about each and every step, perfecting that to achieve that result, and even trying to reinvent approaches
    – Teaches you to adopt new perspectives: this is so very important because we are always convinced – our way is the right way and only way – a dangerous world-view
    – And finally, it teaches you to share. Origami was always a solitary activity for me which I throroughly enjoy, but sharing creates community engagement of a special kind.

    Such a great didactic tool, and you helped to see that more clearly. Thank you, Leyla! :)


    • Hi Naina,
      It is very satisfying for me to read about all that you drew from the *Creativity and Mindfulness with Origami* presentation. Something very special to me was to meet live with so many people who practice and love origami.

  12. Thank you, Leyla, for offering this presentation! I like the 5 guiding principles for creativity which are beginning with baby steps, have a beginner’s mind, playfulness, mindfulness, and embracing uncertainty. The process of folding is as important as the model. Thank you for teaching us to slow down and observe and thank you for your website and videos! For sharing your creativity with us! :D

  13. The Mindfulness workshop was so much fun. I never realized I could do origami with the crumpled piece of paper. The texture and the sounds mad from folding the paper created a fun experience! I think I will make a card to give someone using the crumpled paper. I really enjoy origami and making origami “gifts” for everyone but now I will enjoy it more because I will take the time after each step to tap into my imagination more. Thank you so much for this session and all you do to spread the joy of origami.

    • Hi Miriam,
      I am so glad that you enjoyed this workshop and see new possibilities with origami. I’ll bet that you will come up with a beautiful card using that newly-textured paper. What a fun idea!


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