How to Make an Origami Hearty Santa and Elf

Raise your hand if you enjoy making origami Santas! This delightful Origami Hearty Santa, designed by origami artist, Beth Johnson will definitely steal your heart! I don’t want to miss an opportunity to fold a Santa and much less this heart-warming Hearty Santa. As an additional bonus, the same process of folding this Santa can … Read more

Origami Hearts Galore!

Any time you need to express love to your sweetheart is the perfect time to make an origami heart! This is a great collection of origami-heart tutorials and they are all very easy to make. But if you are looking for one that can be done in less than five minutes I recommend this one. … Read more

Make Origami for Halloween

Do you remember the joy of getting into a costume and pretending to be a king, a queen, a cat, a dragon… some character of fantasy and imagination? Halloween is around the corner. These origami for Halloween will delight you and your love ones. Choose one or more from this Halloween collection and make them … Read more