How to Make an Origami Santa Bookmark

Designed by Fabrizio Pianosi • Demonstrated by Leyla Torres This charming Origami Santa Bookmark (designed by Fabrizio Pianosi) joins a group of origami figures for the holidays presented on other Origami Spirit posts. If you folded the easy Origami Owl Bookmark, you will love this bookmark too! Here is the video tutorial on how to make this … Read more

Origami Owl Bookmark -Easy Tutorial

This origami owl bookmark (Fabrizio Pianosi) is the perfect example of easy origami. Once you get the hang of it, it will take you about six minutes to make it!

Make a Delightful Origami Three-Scoop Ice Cream Cone

This origami three-scoop ice cream cone will delight your friends and family. You can make this cone with only one square piece of paper, and the resulting cone is fantastic! Just like these origami fortune cookies, the cone is gluten-free and has no sugar, carbs, or calories. What can be healthier than that?

Click for an easy step-by-step video tutorial.

How to Fold the Standup Flapping Bird -It’s an Origami Eagle Too!

Do you love Action Origami? Do you enjoy little origami toys that flap, fly, float, or flex? You are in for a treat!

The Standup Flapping Bird featured here is a charming and minimalistic action model. You can make it in three minutes with any paper you have at home.

And with a couple of extra-creases, you can easily turn it into a Flapping Origami Eagle.

A Christmas Greeting withTree Decoration Tutorials

Watch to the end for a naughty kitty surprise! 😉 Tutorials for origami to decorate a Christmas tree Origami Crane • Origami Frog • Origami Horse • Origami House Origami Icicle • Origami Quick Rose • Origami Santa • Origami Star … each circle is a link too …

Origami Video Tutorial – A Standing Leaf or Tree

Cliff Landesman designed this lovely Standig Leaf. It can be used as a decorative element for the holidays and it can double as a little Christmas Tree.

Here is the video recording of this demonstration on how to fold the Standing Leaf.