How to Fold the Standup Flapping Bird -It’s an Origami Eagle Too!

Do you love Action Origami? Do you enjoy little origami toys that flap, fly, float, or flex? If your answer is yes, then you’re in for a real treat!

The Standup Flapping Bird featured here is a charming and minimalistic action model. You can make it in three minutes with any paper available. Not only is it a flapping bird it can also be a Flapping Origami Eagle with a few more creases.

Here is the video tutorial recorded by Leyla Torres and  Cliff Landesman, designer of this Standup Flapping Bird. We are grateful to Cliff for sharing this elegant and easy-to-fold origami bird.

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Tips and suggestions for folding the origami Standup Flapping Bird

  • The finished flapping bird shows both sides of the paper.
  • Cliff recommends making this origami model with paper of the same color on both sides. In the video, we used duo-color paper to make it easy to follow.
  • Use a piece of kami or any other thin and crisp paper.
  • A 6 × 6-inch (15 × 15 cm) is perfect.
  • To turn the Standup Flapping Bird into an eagle, use paper that is black on one side and black on the other. Start with the black side facing up. (The extra steps for the eagle are shown at the end of the video)

Other Origami Figures by Cliff Landesman

Floating Duck It is a special model because it is easy to fold, AND it includes all the basic origami folds. 

Standing Leaf Charming and elegant, the Standing Leaf leaf can be used as a decorative element for the holidays and can also double as a mini Christmas Tree, too

Conversation with Cliff Landesman Teaching Origami –Why you should consider it!


Origami Spirit has provided tutorials and creative direction to origami artists since 2007.

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2 thoughts on “How to Fold the Standup Flapping Bird -It’s an Origami Eagle Too!”

  1. Thank you for this share !
    C’est un oiseau simple à réaliser et en plus on peut s’amuser à le faire voler.
    Je suis toujours ravie de recevoir vos partages et vidéos.
    « Origamiment » votre!



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