Origamigos Hosts Origami Tessellation Artist Ben Parker

Ben Parker, an origami artist, and teacher spent some time with the Origamigos membership at the end of April. During our online meeting, Ben shared his thoughts on origami both as a creator and teacher. Hands-on bonus and special folding treat Ben walked us through a tessellation demonstration drawing on ideas of technique and creativity … Read more

How to Make a Tessellated Origami Flower

Geometric Origami flowers appeal to our sense of beauty and offer an experience of meditative mathematical repetition. This flower, designed by David Martínez, is an exquisite example of using the principles of folded tessellations. Origami tessellations are mosaic-styled designs folded from a single sheet of paper creating a repeating pattern of folded and pleated shapes. This tessellated … Read more

A Temptation to Fold Paper!

While we might not be fond of serpents, this is one great origami snake that will make one’s heart slither and slide on the grounds of temptation; the temptation to fold paper, fold again, and keep folding! This origami snake is a creation of Beth Johnson. The folding concept is masterfully simple, yet effective, and striking. This video … Read more

The Fine Line Between Failure and Success

— Dandelion — At the beginning of the summer I took many pictures of dandelions. Their soft round translucence stayed in my heart and slowly transformed into a persistent wondering of how to make an origami dandelion*. I thought about the origami dandelion constantly. While riding my bike one afternoon, I remembered how Beth Johnson … Read more