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A Temptation to Fold Paper!

While we might not be fond of serpents, this is one great origami snake that will make one’s heart slither and slide on the grounds of temptation; the temptation to fold paper, fold again, and keep folding! This origami snake is a creation of Beth Johnson. The folding concept is masterfully simple, yet effective, and striking. This video … Read more

Back From the OrigamiUSA Convention 2011

Back from the Origami USA convention in New York City  my work table is overflowing with origami models, papers, books,  and presents. As always the convention has left me recharged with creative energy and a surplus of new ideas! Some highlights of the Origami USA convention 2011: This year’s special guest was Toshikazu Kawasaki from … Read more

Beth Johnson’s Origami Design Secrets

Beth Johnson has been creating ingenious and elegant origami models, which she shares through her Flickr page and on her own website. Originally from Toledo, Ohio,  she currently lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan with her husband and young son. Beth has a bachelor’s degree in anthropology and a master’s in natural resources with a focus … Read more