World’s Best Origami by Nick Robinson is a treasure trove of origami models for anyone from beginner to seasoned expert.
The book is divided into ten chapters with each including models suitable for beginning, intermediate, and advanced paper-folders. Traditional and classic models are featured along with elegantly ingenious models created by contemporary origami artists from around the world.
Here are some chapter highlights. And be sure to visit the gallery of pictures at the end of this review.
Chapter 1 -Origami Basics
Accompanied by clear illustrations, this chapter is an excellent reference source. It offers a comprehensive overview of origami basics, advice for beginners and experts alike on paper choice, and instructions on cutting different shapes including pentagons, hexagons, and A4 rectangles.
Chapter 2 -Birds

I especially love the Hungry Chick designed by Javier Caboblanco. In under ten folds this simple model gracefully conveys its subject and produces a charming action model, a chick that pecks.
Chapter 3 -Animals
I highlight here the Puma’s Head by Román Díaz. This model is a little challenging, elegant, and satisfying to fold.

Chapter 4 -Flowers

I particularly like Jonathon Shapcott’s orchid which is striking and also completed with very few folds.
Chapter 5 -People
This chapter offers several jewels with a special mention going to both the angel by Neil Elias, and the simple Santa by Nick Robinson.

Chapter 6 -Containers
If you love origami containers as much as I do then this book is worth the purchase for this chapter alone. It’s hard to pick only one model to highlight, so I’ll pick two: the poppy dish by Nick Robinson, and the triangular box by Assia Veli.

Chapter 7 -Geometric
This chapter delivers treasures such as the magic Umulius rectangulum by Thoki Yenn, and a classic cube by Shuzo Fujimoto.

Chapter 8 -Modular
From this chapter the Goldfinch Star by Nick Robinson caught my eye immediately. It’s very pleasing to both fold and weave the modules together.

Chapter 9 -Practical
My favorite here is the Holiday Card by Doris Lauinger. Keep this model in mind as one to send for your annual holiday greeting next season.

Chapter 10 -Fun (Were we not treated to a lot of fun in the previous chapters?)
The kettle by Adolfo Cerceda is both elegant and stylish. And that apple(!) by Shuzo Fujimoto…is the crown of a book filled with more than a generous helping of origami fun!

If you feel like buying an excellent origami book, don’t hesitate! World’s Best Origami should be the one you buy today. You will not abandon it unopened on your shelf!
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Thanks for this very flattering review! I’m so pleased you enjoyed it. I try hard to present new models worthy of a wider audience.
This is a wonderfully written review which does what it is supposed to do–help your decision. It is being ordered as soon as I finish this post. Thank you Leyla!
Makes me want to order the book and i think i will put it on the list for both the high school and the elementary school. Good JOB!!!!!!
I think that is an excellent choice to have in the school libraries. I can not recommend it highly enough!