How to Make an Origami Heart in Less Than 5 Minutes

Before moving to the United States in 1985 I knew almost nothing about Valentine’s Day. And to tell the truth I don’t do much to celebrate this particular holiday.

But we all love finding a clever, easy-to-make origami heart!

So, when I discovered this model I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to show it here on Origami Spirit. The timing was perfect!

I first discovered this easy origami heart on Simply Modern Mom the blog of Tiffany Bird. Tiffany is a mother of two beautiful girls and her site is filled with excellent ideas and resource links to help simplify the lives of busy parents.

Tiffany learned to make this paper heart -of an unknown creator, as a child in Hawaii. On Valentine’s Day she and her classmates would use letter-fold heart to write special messages.

In this video I will show how to make this origami heart and how to add a string for hanging it.

  • A rectangular sheet letter size 8.5 x 8 11 inch or A4 rectangle to make a heart to write messages.
  • A rectangular paper about 15 x 12 cm to make hearts for a necklace.
  • A thin string about 70 cm long.


Since celebrating love is a tradition in various parts of the world this date, my parents, sister, brothers, and their families, living in many distant places joined together in a feast of origami hearts.

At this time we express our love for each other through our respective photographs and the wearing of these origami heart necklaces.










The Netherlands





I’d like to use the opportunity of this post to express how grateful and blessed I feel to have so many wonderful people around the world who read and follow this blog. I love and appreciate you all with all my heart.

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!

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33 thoughts on “How to Make an Origami Heart in Less Than 5 Minutes”

  1. Thanks Leyla for sharing photos of your family and for giving so much creative energy and time on your website for us. God Bless You! Richelle

    • Thank you Beverly. People are more important than any activity we might like. Some activities, like origami, help us strengthen the ties and create wonderful memories with those we care for.

  2. Dear Leyla. Thank you for this beautifull heart…
    You make very beautifull origami… I Love it!
    Many greetings from Holland

  3. Pingback: Origami Hearts | Estroo
  4. Dear Leyla,
    You are really a superb origami teacher. I just love your channel on Youtube and also the website. Keep it up and please keep on teaching.

    Yours faithfully,

  5. Leyla,

    Amei a ideia do colar. Acho que vou utilizar a ideia para o dia das mães, na escola biblíca ( Sunday School). Adora teus videos. Continue a nos presentear com eles…
    E que Deus te abençoe…
    Com carinho, Rosvita

  6. Thank you Layla. Your designs are wonderful and truly inspiring, I love the abundance hens. So delighted to have found your site.

  7. Hi, Leyla! I’m delighted to see this. I have a diagram for this design (with one step different), that I got from John Andrisan several years ago. The diagram is by Terry Hall, and says “Collected by Phyllis Snyder”. Phyllis was a WCOG (L.A.) member who passed away a year or so ago (she was in her 80s). The only difference in this one vs the one I have diagrammed is the two side edges that are folded into the center, are folded to the back in my version vs the front in yours. I like the look of the front of yours better, but the front of mine ends up with a pocket that you can slip a smaller heart into or a little strip of paper with a name on it perhaps. I’ll try to get a photo and also send you that diagram, soon. ….. e-hugs, from Chila ///

  8. Thank you for this lovely heart. I have a very difficult time fooling but managed to make some!

    I am trying to make your fantastic hen but the video is to fast for me to follow. Is there a slower version anywhere? I would love to give several to my ‘egg lady’ as a way of thanking her for my farm fresh eggs. Thanks you again!

  9. fantastico este corazón¡¡¡¡lo enseñare a mis alumnos para que lo hagan a las mujeres el dia de la mujer el 8 de marzo¡¡¡¡ gracias¡


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