How to Gift-Wrap a Bottle of Wine in 3 Minutes

Need a quick and easy way to gift-wrap a bottle of wine or champagne?

There are many ways to decorate a bottle, but here’s an idea that came to me a few minutes before leaving for a holiday party. It’s easy and you’re sure to impress everyone with your skillful artistry.

Materials needed

  • 3 pieces of letter size paper, each a different color
  • scissors
  • adhesive transparent tape
  • marker to write a message (optional)

The following step-by-step video shows how to gift-wrap a bottle of wine.

Tips and suggestions for gift-wrapping a bottle of wine

  • In the video, the wrapping is demonstrated with regular office paper.
  • Gift-wrap paper can be cut to the size of office paper and used to wrap the bottle.
  • Attach paper sleeve to the bottle with tape.
  • If you use office paper, you can print a message from your computer onto the paper.

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Try these bottle decorations too!


H A P P Y    N E W    Y E A R!

7 thoughts on “How to Gift-Wrap a Bottle of Wine in 3 Minutes”

  1. This is so creative and festive. I love your website. I especially like the ideas that are so useful, like this one. Many times I have had to run to the store and buy a wine bottle bag. Thank you so much and Happy New Year!

  2. Querida Leyla.

    Espero que tenha tido um bom e feliz Natal.
    Desejo um 2015 cheio de realizações, luz e amor em todos os seus dias.
    Obrigada, mais uma vez, por suas boas e belas ideias e por compartilhá-las conosco.

    Grande abraço.

  3. Querida Leyla, Sensacional la forma de empacar la botella y muy facil. Mil gracias por compartirlo.

    Para ti, Juan y Coco un 2015 lleno de salud, abundancia material y espiritual.
    FELIZ ANO!!!

    Con carino

    Elsa Lucia


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