Origamigos Hosts Origami Tessellation Artist Ben Parker

Ben Parker, an origami artist, and teacher spent some time with the Origamigos membership at the end of April. During our online meeting, Ben shared his thoughts on origami both as a creator and teacher. Hands-on bonus and special folding treat Ben walked us through a tessellation demonstration drawing on ideas of technique and creativity … Read more

Video Tutorial – Origami Snake and Variation

Origami Model of an Origami Snake a traditional design in paper.

A traditional origami model design and a variation by Talo Kawasaki In this tutorial, you will find instructions to make units for the body and head for this fun modular origami snakev as they are traditionally folded. In addition, you can make a delightful variation for the tail and head designed by Talo Kawasaki.

Make an Origami Bee for Bee Awareness!

Bees are under threat of extinction! Make an origami bee and contribute to raising awareness of the importance of bees as pollinators of many of the nutritious fruits, vegetables, and seeds we rely on. May 20th is World Bee Day • September is National Honey Month in the USA. Watch the video below to make … Read more

Make an Easy Origami Card for Mom

Do you need to make an easy greeting card for Mom? Here is an idea on how to use this origami flower to make a quick greeting card. Watch the following video for tips and ideas on how to easily make a card and write your message. Tips to make an easy greeting card for … Read more