Teaching Origami –Why you should consider it!

Did you know…? You don’t need to be an expert to teach Origami! Even if you are just beginning with origami, as soon as you learn something new you can turn around and teach it to someone. The act of teaching a simple origami model provides a great benefit for you as a teacher and … Read more

Dr. Lizzie Burns Uses Origami in her Anti-Boredom Campaign

Origami is creative, origami is healing, origami is for anyone. Every single guest we invite to visit with us in ORIGAMIGOS has a very special gift, and that includes Dr. Lizzie Burns who generously shared every bit of what is special about her work with us. How lucky we were to have her talk to … Read more

The Origami Spirit Membership

The Origamispirit membership guides and inspire people from a place of curiosity––where origami is still a bit of a mystery––to a place of confidence and creativity for enjoyment, for practical applications, for teaching, and for sharing their origami creations with others. The Origamispirit membership serves paper folders at all levels. It is a membership for … Read more

Folding Frenzy -Orinuno or Fabric Origami?

Louise Mabbs is the next guest presenter at Foldeas: Sharing Ideas through Origami.   Louise has been a textile artist for over 40 years, is the author of the book “Origami Quilts”, and a member of the British Origami Society. Foldeas is a series of online hands-on paper-folding presentations hosted by Gerardo Gacharná. Each presentation … Read more

Origami or the Art of Creating Meaningful Connections

In a previous post, I asked people to share how they got into origami and “how has origami contributed to your life.” In response, my inbox overflowed with the most wonderful heartfelt responses where many of you shared with me your story about just how meaningful origami is in your life. This gives me great … Read more

How did you get into origami?

Did you get into origami as a child or as an adult? As a child, I learned the traditional boat and classic crane, but it wasn’t until I was well into adulthood that I really got into origami. It was the Christmas holiday season in New York City. I was walking with my husband down … Read more