Video Tutorial – Bunny Bill & Magic Wand

Model designs of Robert Neale (Bunny Bill) and Leyla Torres (Magic Wand) The Bunny Bill is a classic origami action model originally published in 1964 and designed by Robert Neale,* a pioneer and an outstanding playful presence in the world of origami design. Even if you’ve folded the Bunny Bill before, in the video featured … Read more

Origami is not Allowed in Bermuda!

A few years back, an events company invited me to give an origami demonstration in Bermuda at a trade show. Traveling to this island for a purpose other than tourism meant that the company that invited me had to request a special work permit from the authorities in Bermuda. Just before my trip, I was … Read more

How did you get into origami?

Did you get into origami as a child or as an adult? As a child, I learned the traditional boat and classic crane, but it wasn’t until I was well into adulthood that I really got into origami. It was the Christmas holiday season in New York City. I was walking with my husband down … Read more

An Easy and Creative Way to Include Origami in Your Journaling

Do you keep a journal? If you’ve never tried journaling, or even if you have, you might draw some ideas and inspiration from this post. I’ve been journaling for many years. It brings solace and a deep connection to my inner creative self. My intended goal is to write daily but it’s not always easy … Read more

Fold an Origami Swan in Memory of Laura Kruskal

Laura Kruskal, much beloved origami creator and teacher passed away on February 5th 2019. Laura was loved for her playfulness and great sense of humor. She loved music and included singing with her teaching. I have a lovely memory of a class I took with Laura at PCOC 2013 when she taught a traditional paper … Read more

Gratitude for Your Paper-Folding Hands

Have you ever looked at your (paper-folding) hands and felt a deep gratitude for everything you can do with them? For you and your precious hands to exist you had a mother and a father, four grand-parents, eight great-grant parents, sixteen great-great-grandparents and so on. If we keep counting back the generations to the thirtieth … Read more