Twelve Hens, Twelve Blessings for a Great New Year

A Garland of Hens…

This week and for the upcoming new year, I made a strand of twelve origami prosperity hens –one for each month of the year. It’s modeled after a similar idea, the multicolored prosperity hens, made of fabric and commonly found in northern India.

Welcoming the arrival of the New Year I perform small personal rituals to cleanse the spirit. I like creating an atmosphere of renewal, and set my intentions for the next twelve month cycle.

Each of the origami hens in this garland is filled with rice –adding to the symbolic meaning of prosperity. I hung  the hens at the entrance to my kitchen.

I share video instructions to make the strand of twelve origami prosperity hens in the video below, wishing all Origami Spirit visitors, family, friends and loved ones the following blessings:

1 love  ::  2 health :: 3 prosperity :: 4 peace :: 5 creativity :: 6 compassion
7 wisdom :: 8 patience :: 9 courage :: 10 good luck :: 11 satisfaction :: 12 joy

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Happy New Year!


Related post:
Video on How to Fold an Origami Abundance Hen


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13 thoughts on “Twelve Hens, Twelve Blessings for a Great New Year”

  1. Hello Leyla,
    I discovered your blog rather late but now that I have, I’m glued to it and haven’t stopped trying out all the lovely models you’ve posted. Thank you!
    This one is a wonderful idea for decoration and after trying out the easter hen, I am eager to try this out too. What size of origami paper have you used to make the smaller hens?

  2. I just have finished my twelve hens and it was so lovely!!
    Thank you so much Leyla Torres for all the origamis during 2012 and have a Happy New Year.
    A little folded hug….Michelle.

  3. What a lovely idea! I already know how to fold the hen, so it shouldn’t be a problem. All I need now is the bell, beads and a strong strand of string! Thank you Leyla!
    Oh yes, Dawn Tucker is right about the choice of paper used! Visually satisfying!

  4. I’ve always loved these hens, and one of my favorite things in my home is my string of birds from India, so I was destined to love this idea! Your wonderful paper choice makes it even better! I’ll have to raid my stash to find some good paper for myself!


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