Make an Origami Mouse for Your Cat

Looking for a fun homemade cat toy? This inflatable origami mouse belongs in the kingdom of origami toys. It’s fun to make, can be folded in minutes, and your cat won’t waste a second before pouncing on it. My cat, Coco, loves to pick it up by the tail, release it, then pounce again. Watch … Read more

Fun Halloween Party Ideas: Make Origami Candy Corn!

Looking for fun Halloween party ideas? Here is one: make origami candy corn and use it to write ‘fortunes’ or ‘spooky’ messages for your guests. Below you’ll find some other ideas as well. As I recorded a previous video to demonstrate how to make an origami cat-head box, I thought that having some candy corn … Read more

How to Make a Modular Origami Magic Star

Looking for an origami magic star instructions? This magic origami star was the first modular piece I ever made over twenty years ago. I loved it then and it continues to be one of my all-time favorite modular origami models. Here is why you too will love this Magic Origami Star: The module is simple and … Read more

An Origami Jumping Frog for Simon and Luc

Dear Simon, Dear Luc, A little bird told me that you love origami! I am happy you have been able to follow the videos I share on Origami Spirit. This video of the jumping frog is dedicated to both of you. I learned to make this origami frog from my little brother, Luis, when we … Read more

How to Make a Paper Puppet to Enjoy with Kids

This paper puppet takes no time to make and will be a delight for the kids in your life. Parents, teachers, grandparents, aunts and uncles will love to make it! This talking puppet comes to join a collection of other fun paper toys featured in Origami Spirit. The creative minds of two origami designers came … Read more

Paper Planes Have a Crucial Role in Paperman Disney Film

Paperman is an Oscar-nominated, heartwarming story where paper airplanes are instrumental in helping a young office worker find a young woman he met on an elevated train platform in New York City. Love is *literally* in the air, and traditional origami plays a leading role! As I watched Paperman, I had this urge to fold … Read more