An Origami House for Lady Coco

One late-November day, three years ago, John looked out our kitchen window to see a small kitten wandering near the entrance to our house. He opened the door, picked her up, and carried her in. After searching for her owner over the course of several days, and nobody having claimed her, Lady Coco adopted us. … Read more

Origami Santa Claus -It’s a Star and a Christmas Box Too!

Santa Claus, the beloved character for children at Christmas and for origami creators! I’ve featured a few Origami Santas in Origami Spirit before. As I was playing with David Brill’s star box, presented on the previous post, it occurred to me to transform his star box into this Star Santa simply by adding a beard. Some … Read more

An Origami Star Box –Full of Creative Possibility!

This star box, like many other origami boxes, is full of possibility: First we have fun making the box…  Then we admire it for a while… And wonder what to place in it.  Our spirit fills with joy thinking of the person who we’ll give it too… And when offering the box as a gift, … Read more

One Origami Box, Three Variations

If you have been following this blog for a while, you may have noticed how much we love sharing origami boxes for all occasions. As with those previous box posts, I’m sure you’ll love this origami swirl box too! Jannie van Schuylenburg* (Netherlands), shared two variations of her lovely creation with me: One with a … Read more

Origami Traditional Box -Sanbo Box

In previous posts I’ve shared a couple of cat-shaped boxes both based on the traditional origami box presented here. I also made a stand-alone video showing how to make this box, and added it to our growing collection of traditional origami models, such as the origami crane, a jumping frog and a bow tie. These … Read more

A Cute Origami Cat -It’s a Box Too! (Version 2 of 2)

Origami Cat-Box –Version 2 (Designed by Leyla Torres) In the previous post I shared a delightful origami Cat-box created by Gay Merrill Gross. Using Gay’s cat as a springboard, I felt inspired to design my own version of this cat-box model. Filled with candy corn it will be a charming Halloween cat. It can also … Read more