Origami Santa Claus -It’s a Star and a Christmas Box Too!

Santa Claus, the beloved character for children at Christmas and for origami creators! I’ve featured a few Origami Santas in Origami Spirit before.

As I was playing with David Brill’s star box, presented on the previous post, it occurred to me to transform his star box into this Star Santa simply by adding a beard.

Some origami purists might cringe at the thought of using a drop of glue to make this origami Santa, but I was assured by some close friends that occasionally, and only occasionally, we might turn away from our purist origami selves, and indulge in the pursuit of creativity, and cuteness ;-)

“If you are able to set aside taboos regarding origami, such as those against cutting, painting and gluing, new horizons will begin to open in the origami heavens”
~Kunihiko Kasahara (In his book Extreme Origami)

So in this video tutorial I show what to add to the basic star to turn it into a Star Santa.

Tips and suggestions for making the origami Santa Star Box

  • To make the Star Santa we need two pieces of paper:
    – A white 3 x 3-inch (75 x 75 mm.) square for the beard.
    – A red letter-size “silver rectangle” for the star.
  • To prepare the paper for the star, use a standard US letter size (8.5 x 11 inch) piece of paper. Next, cut a 3/4 inch strip along the longer side and what you are left with -the larger piece, is called a silver rectangle.
  • Alternatively, an unaltered A4 Standard European letter size is proportioned a silver rectangle and perfect for the origami star box.
  • The finished Star box shows only one side of the paper. It’s not necessary to use paper of different color on each side.
  • The sides at the opening of the star might want to come apart as the star is opened, which can be fixed with a tiny drop of glue.
  • Make tiny lucky stars, add small white triangles for beards and you have tiny Santas to fill the big star.
  • Fill the big one star box with chocolate mini-eggs  •  jelly beans  •  m&ms  •  dried beans or rice  •  beads  •  buttons  •  felt eggs  •  tiny pebbles  •  dried petals  •  dried lavender flowers  •  dried herbs  •  confetti.

The Star Santa is based on this pentagonal star.

Click here to read the origami star post.


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