Two Ways to Make a Paper Hexagon

A square is one of the most frequent paper shapes used to make origami figures, but rectangles, triangles, pentagons, hexagons, and circles can be used to make many beautiful origami models as well. The hexagon is a great shape to make origami flowers and origami snowflakes. When all sides of a hexagon are of equal … Read more

Six-petal Origami Flower -It’s a Lovely Snowflake Too!

Origami flowers come in many different shapes and forms. When I saw this origami flower, I fell in love with it and immediately wished I could make it. Take a piece of paper and make it right away…I’m sure you will love it too! This flower, designed by David Martinez, is made with a hexagonal … Read more

Make Three Variations of an Origami Star

Do you like origami stars? From Italy ~with love~ Francesco Mancini* shares three variations of his modular model, “Cloe’s Star”.Thank you Francesco for granting permission to present these variations of your origami star in the following step-by-step video. Tips and suggestions for the modular origami star Use eight pieces of paper in the shape of … Read more

Origami Turbine -A Super Paper Spinner!

Do you like origami toys? What about origami that spins, moves or flaps?  If so then you –and all the children in your life including your inner child, will love this origami turbine. Blow on on it once and let the fun begin. It’s a super paper spinner! If you’ve ever folded the traditional flapping bird, … Read more

Make an Origami Photo Frame With Decorative Hearts

Seeing the faces of those we love can make our hearts sing with joy. This origami photo frame –featuring a heart at each corner, is a beautiful way to keep those we love close by. To design this frame I found inspiration in an easy origami heart created by Ildikó Vass. Just this week, I … Read more

An Origami Snowflake –Great Homemade Christmas Ornament!

Looking for homemade Christmas ornaments or gifts? These three-dimensional origami snowflakes are ingenious examples of efficiency in designing modular origami. Just take three square pieces of paper and make a snowflake. No scissors! No glue! Like the ‘Polo Sur Star, previously presented here on OrigamiSpirit, the two puffy snowflake versions shown on this post are the … Read more