An Origami Snowflake –Great Homemade Christmas Ornament!

Looking for homemade Christmas ornaments or gifts? These three-dimensional origami snowflakes are ingenious examples of efficiency in designing modular origami. Just take three square pieces of paper and make a snowflake. No scissors! No glue!

Like the ‘Polo Sur Star, previously presented here on OrigamiSpirit, the two puffy snowflake versions shown on this post are the creation of Polo Madueño of Patagonia, Argentina.

Remember too that these seasonally useful figures can be folded and enjoyed at any time of year. So, whenever you’re inspired, enjoy the process of folding and assembling these lovely paper snowflakes.

Thank you Polo for your permission to share the instructions of the two versions of your snowflake in the following video.

Tips and suggestions to make this Modular Origami Snowflake

  • Use three square pieces of paper approximately 4.5 x 4.5 inches (11 x 11 cm).
  • Papers can be of different colors, but white paper has a beautifully crisp and snowy effect.
  • Thin paper like “Kami” –known in the US as “origami paper”, works well for smaller snowflakes.
  • Heavier papers like regular office/letter and Stardream paper are also good choices.
  • Folding the units is relatively easy. Assembling the snowflake will require some patience and persistence, but the result is worth it!
  • Curl the tips of snowflake number one for a radiant-sun look.
  • Hung snowflakes on your Christmas tree or from your windows.
  • Insert a wooden skewer into a snowflake to make a festive magic wand.

Are you new to origami, or to modular origami? Click on the following links  for some easier pieces you can begin to practice with: Magic Ring-Star or Polo-Sur Star.

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More easy origami tutorials for Christmas? Click here!


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9 thoughts on “An Origami Snowflake –Great Homemade Christmas Ornament!”

  1. Hi Rosemary,
    Making this video was a lot of fun. Coco sat in front of the computer, while I was editing, with her eyes following the folding process…then she asked to be included in it…and she was ;-)

  2. Oh Coco …. what a great roar you have :-) you must be a descendant of the MGM Lion? Very sweet Leyla!

    Well … you have done it again. What a superb tutorial. You are the best Leyla. Thank you so much. I am off to fold yet another Christmas decoration.

    Best wishes.


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