Origami Video Tutorial – Bear Box and Fox Box

Origami Spirit - Fox and Bear - Designed by Leyla Torres

Do you like to fold origami animals? You’re in luck! Here at Origami Spirit, we feature origami models we know you’ll enjoy so be sure to visit the ORIGAMI ANIMALS MODEL GALLERY. These origami boxes are shaped as a Bear and a Fox. Because they share a common base and some features, we may say they are cousins sharing … Read more

Origami Video Tutorial – How to Make an Origami Ant 

Origami Spirit - Origami Ant - A design of Rui Roda

A model design of Rui Roda Do you like to fold origami animals? You’re in luck! Here at Origami Spirit, we feature origami models we know you’ll enjoy so be sure to visit the ORIGAMI ANIMALS GALLERY. In Colombia, these leaf-cutter, winged ants are considered a delicacy and are either fried or roasted for consumption, … Read more

Video Tutorial – Turkey Box

Origami Turkey Box - Origami Spirit - A design of Leyla TOrres

A model design of Leyla Torres Do you like to fold origami boxes and containers? You’re in luck! Here at Origami Spirit, we feature boxes, containers, and many other models we’re sure you’ll enjoy. You can find more origami models in this gallery >>> HERE In the US, celebrating Thanksgiving at the end of November marks … Read more

Video Tutorial – Duck on a Pond Drawer Box

Duck on a Pond Drawer Box Origami Model - Leyla Torres

A model design of Leyla Torres Do you like to fold origami Boxes and Containers? You’re in luck! Here at Origami Spirit, we feature origami boxes and containers we’re sure you’ll enjoy. You can find these origami models in this gallery >>> HERE Here is a perfect container for Easter! The Duck-on-a-Pond Drawer Box is a … Read more

Origami Video Tutorial – Bookmarks – Corazón y Corbatín

An origami model titled "Bookmarks - Corazón y Corbatín" designed by Leyla Torres and Julio Salcedo

A model design of Leyla Torres & Julio Salcedo Do you like to fold origami animals? You’re in luck! Here at Origami Spirit, we feature origami models we know you’ll enjoy so be sure to visit the ORIGAMI ANIMALS GALLERY. Check out our FLATS & CARDS collection too! In this video tutorial, you will learn … Read more