A year’s Journal -Leyla’s Origami Worktable

A few weeks ago I picked up the Sunday newspaper and on the front cover was a large photograph of white folded stars against a blue background. The stars looked like small people to me, and the image was uplifting. I opened the paper, and read. Some articles were difficult to get through, reminding me … Read more

Fun and Inspiration from My Creative Origami Table

Origami is a fun, creative, instructive, and a challenging interest. Origami can be used in the celebration of many important events that mark the passage of time in our lives. As I have done in years past, I’d like to share with all of you, my fellow origami travelers, a time-lapse video with the projects … Read more

Why Keep a Journal -Creativity Through Origami

In addition to keeping a written journal, I periodically take pictures of the worktable in my studio, where I do most of my paper folding. This is my visual journal. The video below shows this table as it appeared at different times throughout 2013.  Click to see videos of my visual journals in 2012 and 2011. … Read more

Keeping a Visual Journal –Leyla’s Work Table

Do you remember what was on your creativity table twelve months ago, or even twelve days ago? I have kept a visual journal of my artwork for a couple of years now, by photographing my work table at different moments throughout the year. Every image in this visual journal is linked to daily events that … Read more

Inviting Chaos Into a Creative Life

I love the creative potential of a “clean slate”.  An annual ritual of mine is to begin the year with a tidy worktable. Of course just as I’ve finished organizing my studio and put everything in its place, a new project appears. Soon enough there is a blizzard of papers and materials flying all over … Read more